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The cliché sound of kids screaming, music blasting and rides spinning calmed my senses, I couldn't believe it. A fairground. A real, genuine, British fair. And I was there with Dan. The only thing I could smell was the sickliness of cotton candy and the grease of burgers and chips. It all felt like home though, it felt like peace in the chaos. Dan was grinning like a little kid, practically jumping out of his skin at the thought of going on the waltzers. I laughed, pushing him forward a little into the queue to gain entry. It was busy, but it was London so that was almost a guaranteed factor anyways.

This whole place was rushing around and smiling a lot and all kinds of happiness, and I liked that, because this felt real and this felt like something to me, and it was Dan who brought that to my world. We were running almost, like little kids again, through the tangle of people to the ride we wanted most. We were there, and queuing and also kind of slowly freezing, because despite it being June, it was late and late meant cold. I didn't think about that though, I thought about Dan and his stupid smile and how just one person could make me so happy, and how they barely even knew.

We were on the waltzers, and my head was a whitewash of colours, because that was all I could really see at this point; a blur of different luminous colours, all while Dan was screaming with joy. Really I was just trying to not be sick, because that'd probably ruin the moment. So I concentrated on Dan, as he lifted his arms into the air and I held on a little tighter, because I didn't want to die or something in a London park on a Monday evening; that sounded a bit too much like an EastEnders plot. The ride was almost over, which I was internally grateful for, as I wondered to myself if they'd let a six foot two man-child onto the teacups.  The ride came to a gradual stop as I contemplated this, and Dan was breathless and smiling like a fool.

I stumbled about the park a little, trying to keep my balance after the escapades of a three minute waltzer ride. Dan grabbed my hand, and I was stunned because never did I think he'd do something like that, even if it was intended as a platonic gesture. So I squeezed his hand, as I was leaning against a fence while I gained back my senses. 'Phil are you okay? I swear I've never seen someone so dizzy'. I laughed it off, 'I'm fine, waltzers just aren't my forte I guess'. He grinned at me, dropping my hand like cold ice, and I wanted to hold his again but really it'd just make things awkward - something I didn't want.

I started to get hungry after a few hours; the smell of candy floss and chips was kinda getting to me, despite the mountain of food I'd eaten when we were watching the movies. I stared at the food carts longingly, as we queued for yet another ride. This time it was a little more intimidating, mainly because it went upside down, in a circular motion. The ride went as twice high as the trees surrounding, but somehow thrill seeker Dan had coaxed me into it. There were few things in the world that I was scared of, but rides were certainly one of them. I was trying to think of ways of getting out of this, which was surely going to kill me or something, but I'd run out of time, and we were next to ride. It only held two people, perfect for us, but perhaps awful in the sense that it was a real actual ride and I was going to be upside down 60ft into the air. I tried to not think about that though, and instead thought about how afterwards I'd be getting chips - although I'd most likely feel sick to my stomach after everything.

We were strapped in by two girls, and I felt the panic start to rise in my throat, Dan just grinning like a madman. 'Are you ready for this?' I looked across at him as the cage like feature we were sitting on seats inside of was locked. 'I'd like to say no but I don't think that's an option here'. He laughed, and the ride began to move. My eyes were a whirlwind, lights flashing like a photobooth across the hazy outline of London. We were screaming for our lives, Dan a mist of giggles in between. He gripped my hand tightly, and I clung back as if it were a lifeline.

The ride was over shortly, and I stepped off a little worse for wear. By now it was getting close to 11, and really I just felt sick. Dan was stumbling around, hair fluffy. I smiled, following him out of the barricaded fairground and to the taxi he'd rung.

We were home shortly, and for once dan went his way and I went mine. He gave me a hug, and I thanked him for the night out. He just blushed, scraping his shoe across the ground and waving a little. I smiled, saying goodbye. The climb up the stairs to my apartment felt monumental, a huge sigh once I unlocked my door.

I was too tired to think about clearing up, shrugging off my jeans, leaving nothing but a shirt and underwear on. I had work in the morning, and a lot of gossip to tell Tyler.


Hey! I'm sorry it's been so long I've had a lot of stuff going on recently, but hey it's all sorted now. I've got a hella huge crush too and it's cute bc we speak like every night and he openly said he's too shy to talk to me in school despite the fact we basically sit next to each other :') but yeah that's a thing, I think we might date soon which kinda gives me butterflies oops.

I hope you're all good I apologise I didn't update this so soon, I had some difficulty writing it - hence the shortness of it. Plus I've been focusing on my Dear Maria fanfic, which isn't greatly helping :')

Add me on snapchat! Alltimelowphan

Much love <3

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