Thank you :33

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Thank you guys <3

I think when I first comment or meet someone they think oddly of me...

Well you probably still do x33

People will treat me different then other people or just strait out ignore.

I have no idea why, am I nice?

Anyway I guess that's alright, I cant get everyone to like me :33

Here's some more things about me, skip if you don't wanna know.

~I like Jayfeather and Firestar
~I laugh allot at myself :P
~I like to make people happy
~I always try to be there furr eveyone
~I use cat faces and talk like that n stuff because I think it changes how you read what I write, like the mood. And because I love cats x33
~I love to have such pawsome friends, you guys know who you are :33
~I like all my furrllowers even if they want nothing to do with me.
~I like all the people I furrllow.
~I always read the descriptions when I click on somebody new (is that weird?)
~I have lied before, but I regret it and try to never lie.
~I have kissed a boy
~ I believe and God and recently became more attached to him
~I Know what the golden rule is
~I know what the ten commandments are...most of them at least :33
~I will never leave a friend, though friends have left me.
~I dont want to make this too long :P

Anyway, the end of this book is coming! I don't know if I want to make another one... I think I need to work on my other books so...

See ya! :33

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