Chapter #1

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This is my first time writing a fanfiction. So please be lenient. Please review and please send me suggestions at moosiejafri at

This is placed after the Blood of Olympus and the Fate of Ten.

Just so you know. Setrakus Ra was killed in the battle for the Sanctuary, Sarah is dead.

The Entity has restored the world's original beauty. Everything is the way it was before the battles. This is actually 1 day after the battle with Setrakus Ra.

There are no Romans and Jason was never actually a Roman. Deal with it.





Suddenly the ground trembles and bright blue light wisps out from the floor of the room we have been sitting in. A being takes shape. Some how I know she's friendly. I feel a connection to her. Nine is staring at her with his mouth open.

She is the spirit of Lorien. She is Lorien itself.

'John, Nine, Sam and Daniela. You have fought bravely, I am proud of you,' Her voice is melodious and sweet. 'Though you must know, the worst threat the world has ever faced is yet to come. I once fell in love with a Greek God--'

'Greek God! I thought they weren't real! They're just myths to cover up different things, aren't they?' interrupted Daniela.

'How would you feel, Daniela, if you were called a myth?'

Daniela remained silent.

'I fell in love with Chaos. The most powerful of all beings, we named our child Jritus. He was very unpredictable and very strong. Perhaps even more powerful than me and Chaos.'

Nine snorts. 'Now that's something you don't hear everyday. Peace getting moony-eyed for Chaos.'

The Entity smiles. 'True. We loved each other and we loved our child. But Jritus grew unpredictable, he destroyed countries for the sake of fun, he loved war and death.'

'Why are you telling us this?' I raise my eyebrows at her.

'Because by awakening me on Earth, your friends have stirred Jritus from his slumber. There is no telling how much carnage he will unleash. Millennia of rage, resentment and bitterness, all piled up inside of him because we discarded him and put him to sleep.

Believe me, you are the strongest of all Garde. Your friends have killed Setrakus Ra. Though it took the life of your loved one.' She looks at me with a look of pity on her face.

I try and remember the good times I and Sarah had. I can almost imagine her in my arms. Kissing her and hugging her. I loved her so much. A tear rolls down my cheek.

'But you can avenge her. You need to stop Jritus from waking or he will cause so much death and suffering that is beyond your comprehension,' The Entity warns us. 'You need to find Camp Half-Blood. Ask for Chiron. I have already talked about this with the Greek Gods and they are scared.'

'If the Gods can't defeat Jritus, how can you be so sure we can?' Daniela looks at her quizzically.

'Because you Garde combined with the Demigods hold more power than the Me and the Gods.' She looks at us all.

'Okay woman, but why can't you put this Jritus dude back to sleep again?' Nine asks her raising his eyebrows.

'Because Chaos is no more. He only has an essence in the darkest pits of Tartarus. He cannot form a conscience after being asleep for ten millennia.' She looks at Nine with a sad smile on her face.

I look around numbly. I have lost everyone. We defeated Setrakus and now the Entity expects us to plunge into another battle, against an invincible foe? I feel lightheaded. Weeks of fighting, despair and sadness inside me.

Tears continue to roll down my cheek. All I can think of is Sarah.

We need to do this or everything we did, all we went through, would be for nothing.

'Where do we need to go?'


How was it??Please feel free to point out any mistakes and please review.


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