Chapter #3

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Nine is driving like an absolute madman. We're weaving through cars, swerving madly past them with the occasional driver sticking out his head and yelling, 'Watch where you're going!'

The rest of the Garde met up with me later yesterday and confirmed my worst ever grievance.

That Sarah had been killed in the battle with Mogs.

The Mogs had become even more angry at the death of their leader and Phiri Dun-Ra had stepped up as the new one.

Six, Seven, Adam, Mark, Ella and a Loric woman named Lexa had come back with the broken form of Sarah Hart. I rushed to Sarah's side and bawled like a baby. I clutched her head and tried to heal her, hoping she would come back. I should've known better.

Six had then told me that every bone in Marina's body was broken due to her taking on Setrakus Ra alone.

I went to her, wiping my eyes and healed her.

Immediately Five ran to my side and hugged Marina tightly. He kept whispering 'I'm so sorry' repeatedly in her ear.

I told them about the Entity's sudden appearance and her purpose. They were staring at me with their mouths open.

'We just saved her and now she wants us to plunge into battle again!?' asked incredulously Six.

I merely nodded.

So now we just have to find some demigods who hold the key to defeating this dude, Jritus.

Ethan Storm and Clara Wilson.

But first we have to find some camp, a camp named Camp Half-Blood apparently.

The Entity told us that we needed to meet up with the five most powerful demigods of all time.

Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Piper and Leo were the names she had told me.

She told me that we had to find Ethan and Clara or else we would stand no chance at defeating Jritus.

Apparently this Jritus dude was even more powerful than all the Gods combined.

He sounded like an undefeatable enemy. How were we supposed to defeat him when he was stronger than the Gods? Apparently, Ethan and Clara were the answers.


Last night had been pretty crazy. I had thought the worst was over. As always, I didn't have a clue about how wrong I was.

So, we all are in really cheerful spirits, the campfire is 8 feet high and bright orange. Then, suddenly, the air seems to become colder. The campfire immediately becomes dark purple and and lowers it height to 1 feet. The campers look around with terrified looks on their faces. I wanted to crawl down a hole and cry for my mom. I was feeling scared. This atmosphere only suggests the arrival of...

'Hades,' I growl.

A massive being takes shape. He has pale skin, dark and cold eyes with a sinister smile on his face.

On his blood-red robes, the tormented's souls' faces appear. The Helm of Darkness perched atop his jet-black, curly hair.

'Well done, Perseus.'

'What do you want?' I look at him with a look of pure anger on my face.

'I don't want anything. I come to warn you. The Gods are in danger.'

'Again? When will you guys learn? I thought the worst was over.'

Hades snickers, 'Oh believe me, Perseus, the worst is yet to come.' His eyes glitter with pure malevolence.

'What's the darn problem, Hades?' Annabeth appears at my side. I notice all the campers have backed up. Jason and Piper are standing behind Annabeth.

'I fear this problem is much, much more dangerous than Gaia,' Hades looks at us with his dark eyes, his voice impossibly soft. He is afraid. How can the God of Fear be afraid?

'Jritus is rising, you will need help. The Loric are on their way to help you. The Olympian Council is in disarray. You will need to find two demigods who have been armed with the power of Lorien. Find them, they're more powerful than all of the Olympian Gods combined. Perhaps even more powerful than Chaos itself.'

The whole camp stares at him with their mouths hanging open, looks of pure confusion plastered across their faces.

'Hold on death-man. I have tons of questions. Who are the Loric? Who the heck is this Jritus dude? What in the name of Tartarus is Lorien?' Leo asks, stepping out from the crowd with Calypso closely following him.

Hades rolls his eyes at him and mutters something about stupid demigods. 'The Entity is a spirit. This Spirit bestowed great gifts or powers upon the people of Lorien. The people of Lorien are called the Loric, the spirit of the planet is called the Entity,'

'The people who had powers given to them were enlisted as their Garde. Eight of them are on their way to meet you right now. Now, ten millennia ago, the Entity and Chaos fell in love. Long ago before Gaia or anyone existed, Chaos had a form. Now he is in such deep sleep, it is hard for him to form a conscience. The Entity and Chaos had a child.'

'Jritus.' Annabeth guesses.

'Correct.' Hades replies, smiling coldly.

I can't comprehend what he's saying. Lorien. Garde. Loric. What does this all mean?

I am so angry at the Fates for plunging me at Annabeth into another huge problem. I would personally love to strangle those old hags with my bare hands.

'I'm tired of being the Olympians' pet, Hades. What makes you think we'll help you? I growl, locking eyes with Hades.

'Because it's not just your world at stake here. It's the whole universe. Beware, when Jritus wakes, only Ethan Storm and Clara Wilson combined with all of you can defeat Jritus. I have talked with Tartarus, Nyx, Chaos and all of the others. They will try their best to hold Jritus down until you can find those two.'

My stomach is churning with anger. We just defeated Gaia. Now we have to fight a guy who is supposedly the worst and most powerful of all beings?

Oh yeah, my life was about to get really cheerful.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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