Chapter #2

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I'm back! Hope you enjoy this one!




Me and Annabeth are sitting around the campfire, I have my arm around her. Life is good, ever since we defeated Gaia, I have been feeling relaxed. Though there is still some sadness at the mention of the name Leo Valdez.

That scrawny little latino elf. I miss him so much. Jason and Piper sit alongside each other, singing happily and loudly.

It's the Fourth of July, there'll be awesome fireworks tonight, organized by Leo's siblings. There it is again. The pang of pain and sadness in my heart.

'What's wrong?' Annabeth asks me.

'Leo. I miss him.' I reply, with tears in my eyes.

'We all do, Percy. We all do.' She says, wiping the tears from my eyes.

Chiron asks us to move towards the beach and all of us shuffle around. We get up and run towards the beach.

The first rocket shoots into the sky and explodes outwards into a brilliant flash of red, blue and white and forms the flag of America.

Suddenly I see a column of fire shoot from somewhere in the sky.

I see something glinting and immediately recognize the surface as gold.

A dragon.

'Everybody take cover!' screams Clarisse.

'No.' I yell.

I stand my ground as everybody looks at me with their eyebrows raised.

'Percy, we have to go!' Annabeth tugs on my shirt.

'No, Annabeth, look!' I say, pointing towards the Dragon as it continues to fly towards us, its golden wings flapping up and down.

Jason and Piper run up to me.

'What is that?' Jason looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

'Dragon.' Annabeth responds.

It can't be.

'Festus!' Piper screams with a look of pure happiness on her face.

Festus lands right at the edge of the water and raises a wall of water and sand on impact. He billows fire from his mouth.

Showoff. I think happily. When the dust settles, a figure walks out from behind it with a girl behind him.

I recognize the girl immediately, and the boys smiles at me. His curly black hair combed neatly. His fingers tapping nervously on his thighs as he smiles mischievously at everyone in the crowd. Those pointed ears and mischievous smile.

My favorite latino is back.

'LEO!!!' Piper runs towards him tackling him to crowd and repeatedly slapping his latino face until I get there and get her off.

Leo has a crazy grin on his face. 'Miss me?'

The whole crowd erupts and cheers loudly.

Hugs and greetings are passed around. I hug him.

'Ribs... getting... crushed...' he manages to croak out.

'I'll never forgive you, Leo!' Piper screams and hugs him hard.

'Love you too.' Leo responds, smiling.

'I missed you so much man.' Jason says while pulling him into a hug.

Leo has tears streaming down his face.

Leo introduces Calypso to everyone. She steps forwards hugs me. Annabeth smiles at her kindly.

Nico steps forwards from the shadows and pulls Leo into a hug, which surprises everyone.

'Tell me about it all, my cabin.' Nico instructs him, showing him a rare smile.

I guess my life is taking a turn for the better after all.

Little did Percy Jackson know, his worst challenge was yet to come.


That's it for the second chapter. Third will probably take some time.

I will keep updating everyday.

Please review.


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