Gokudera Hayato

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Warning!!! Grammar mistakes and wrong spelling.
I do not own KHR. Amano Akira does.
I hope that at least someone will write a comment what do you think about this story. (Somehow i wanna cry)
Nope i don't wanna cry anymore

Tsuna's POV


I've been woken up by a noise that came from room next to mine.

What the hell is going on??? Don't tell me that Reborn used 10t mallet i thought, walking into Hides room.

I saw Hide lying on bed. His soul was already Satan only knows where.
Reborn was beside him with a big green mallet. I watched at that scene, sweatdropped, closed the door and went to the kitchen make lunch box
"Good morning Tsuna"Reborn said "Morning. Do you want cup of coffee??"i asked him
"Espresso please." He answered
"Hey Tsuna where did you go yesterday evening??"he asked me. I turned with innocent face.
"What do you mean??? I was in my room." I answered
"No just it was weird that you was eating whole strawberry cake by spoon and watched anime like there was no tomorrow" Reborn said.
Giotto-nii if i ask you to help please do it normally i thought
"Ah so. Here your espresso. I have to go to school bye. Have nice day Reborn."i said and before leaving i shouted :" Ittekimasu!!!"
"Itterashai!!!" Kaa-san said
"My, my today he is leaving so early. Hi-kun is already time to go to school"i heard

At school

"Ah. Tsuna come here!!!" Konata shouted from window
"What is going on???"i asked when i arrived to the class.
"One child is searching you."she answered and pointed at kid with afro and clothes with cow pattern.
"Lambo what are you doing here???"i asked him
"Ah Tsuna-nii. I need help." Lambo said
"Okay let's go to the rooftop" i said while dragging him away from class.

On rooftop

"Lambo i told you don't go to school"i said him
"But Lambo-sama need to find Reborn and kick his ass" Lambo said
"Why do you need to kick Reborns ass???"i asked
It is not like i'm curious. I already know that you love to kill him. Also please be polite i thought
"If i kick his ass boss will give me a lot of lollipops. Gyahahahaha" Lambo laughed
"Be quiet"said someone above us
"Who was the one that wake me up???"

Kyoya *Sigh* i thought an sighed

"We are sorry Kyoya. Can i leave Lambo with you??? I have class now." I said
"Hn. It is okay." Kyoya said
"Oh Lambo, Kyoya i forgot to say but Hayato is comming back"i said and left Lambo with Kyoya.
"Hey kid, be quiet from now" Kyoya said to Lambo and went to Disciplinary comittee room to sleep.

"Hey Tsuna who was that kid???" Konata asked when i came back
"Just friend"i replied and sat
"Please be quiet the homeroom is starting." Said teacher.
"From today we'll have new transfer student. Please come in"
"Eh again??" B3 said
"Is it girl or boy???" G4 asked

I can't understand why they are asking. I thought

The one who came into classroom was boy with silver hair and green eyes.

"My name is Gokudera Hayato. I came from Italy."he introduced.
Then he went toward Hide and kicked his table.
"Gokudera-kun you can't do this. Also your seat is there" the teacher pointed at one of seat" not here."
"Tch." Hayato said and left one paper on Hides table.
Then he saw me and WAVED .
I facepalmed
Oh my god why me??? I thought

Lunch time

"Juudaime long time no see" Hayato said with puppy eyes
"Yea it's been while. By the way why are you here???"i asked
"Reborn called me here to test your brother. But don't worry Juudaime. The one who will become the Vongola 10th will be you" Hayato said with spark around him
I sweatdropped. "Okay but please don't kill him." I said
"Please don't worry. I'm sure he is weak. Then i have to go. See you later, Juudaime" Hayato said running to the school bckside.
I wanted to go on rooftop to eat lunch with Lambo, Kyoya and Konata. Then i remembered that Reborn always shot Hide by Deathwill bullet.
I ran to stop Gokudera but it was already late. Hide was in DWM and Hayato was throwing his dynamite at him. I watched little while and when i heard "Tripple bomb" i ran toward Hayato
Why he is using that attack when he know what will happen i thought while pushing Hayato away
"Phew. It was so close"i said
"Juudaime. Are you okay?? Didyou get hurt??? I'm sorry, shall i do seppuka???" Hayato started to panic
"It's okay Hayato you don't need to worry i'm okay"i tried to calm him
"Ohh Tsuna, Gokudera it's been while. Let's go to rooftop. What happened here?? Did you played some game??" Takeshi said
I sweatdropped
"Oy Baseball freak don't be so close to Juudaime. Let's go Juudaime" Hayato said
I hope that Kyoya will not bite us to death i thought
Before we left i noticed a certain baby with yellow pacifier.

Reborn's POV

"Tripple bomb" Gokudera shouted
Then i saw Tsuna running towards Gokudera

Hm??? Why he is here???? I thought

Then i noticed why. The dynamites was lying on ground.
Everyone was okay. Well just Hide was on wall almost death.
I saw Gokudera talking with Tsuna and one boy named Yamamoto Takeshi. When they were leaving Tsuna looked at me.

Sawada Tsunayoshi. Intresting , i don't understand why Iemitsu chosed Baka-Hide i thought climbing down to wake Hide
"Hey Baka-Hide wake up"i said
Nothing happened. I kicked him flying somewhere and went home.

Shirley's (Konata's) POV

I was on rooftop with Kyoko-san that became my friend today waiting for Tsuna to eat lunch together. Kyoya was already here with Lambo-kun sleeping.
Then the door opened and some people came.
It was Tsuna,new student Gokudera Hayato and the boy who always sleep at classes .
"Ah Konata sorry for waiting" Tsuna said ignoring the two who were fighting.
"It's okay i was here with Kyoko-san and Kyoya is sleeping together with Lambo-kun up there. Who are those people??"i asked.
"Those two are my friend. This is Gokudera Hayato new student and this is Yamamoto Takeshi. They are in our class."he said.
Those two were still fighting.
"Why are you crowding??? I will bite you to death." Kyoya said.
"I'm sorry Kyoya" Tsuna said sitting to eat his lunch
Those two stopped fight and silently started to eat their lunch.
"Hi nice to meet you. My name is Hanazawa Konata."i introduced
"Hah?? Why are you so close to Juudaime??" Gokudera said
"I'm sorry"i said. Scary i thought
"Maa~ maa~ Gokudera calm down. My name is Yamamoto Takeshi nice to meet you" Takeshi said with his usually smile.
"Don't order me Baseball freak.
My name is Gokudera Hayato" Gokudera said.
"Hayato please be polite" Tsuna said
"Yes i'm sorry Juudaime." Gokudera said bowing 90°.
"Gyahahahaha Ahodera is here." Lambo shouted
"What did you said you stupid cow!! Come here i will beat you"Gokudera shouted back and everyone started to fight while Tsuna tried to calm them down. I was eating lunch with Kyoko-san.


It's little bit long
I hope that you liked it

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