The Secret Meeting

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Princeton's POV

I found Lily on the couch watching Adventure Time, I tried to sit next to her and give her a hug but she just ignored me and kept watching the TV. I stayed on the couch with her for a while, trying my best to give her hugs but she just kept pushing me away.

Princeton: Well, I gotta go.

Lily: Cool.

Princeton: I'll miss you.


Lily's POV

He tried to give me one final hug then waved before leaving. I waited until his car pulled out the driveway before calling Jojo.

Jojo: Hey boo.

Lily: Hey Jojo. Do you want to come over?

Jojo: Yeah I'll be there in like, ten.

Lily: Great, just make sure Prod doesn't see you.

Jojo: Will do.

Jojo's POV

I snuck out the house to get to Prince's house, when a familiar range rover pulled up on the sidewalk.

Ray: Hey little dude.

Jojo: Oh hey Ray.

Ray: So where you going?

Jojo: None of your beeswax.

Ray: You're going to Lily's aren't you?

Jojo: Yep.

Ray: I'd give you a ride but I gotta get to the studio, does Prod know you out?

Jojo: No.

Ray: Does Prince know you going to his?

Jojo: No.

Ray: I'm not gonna rat you out, I know what happened between your brother and Prince and I'm gonna try get them to make up at the studio today.

Jojo: Thanks Ray, I gotta go.

Ray drove off and I carried on walking to Lily's, she let me in and we just did couple things. But we kinda lost track of time.

Lily: Uh oh.

Jojo: What's wrong boo?

Lily: Princeton's back, you need to leave!

I went through the back door and climbed over the fence.

Lily's POV

I went up to my room and heard a knock at the door, I answered it.

Princeton: Hey.


Princeton: You wanna talk?

Lily: Not really.

Princeton: Why not?

Lily: Because every time we talk it just turns into shouting.

Princeton: I promise it won't be like that this time.

Lily: Ok then.

I let him in we sit on my bed.

Princeton: I'm sorry Lily.

Lily: It's ok.

Princeton: No it's not, it's not right of me to talk about your family like that.

Lily: *changes subject* Are you and Prodigy ok now?

Princeton: No we weren't talking to eachother today.


Princeton: So you wanna watch a movie or something?

Lily: Not really.

Princeton: Well what do you wanna do?

Lily: Nothing.

Princeton: Well don't worry I'm not working tomorrow so we'll be together tomorrow.

Lily: Cool.

Princeton: Lily, I'm your cousin just tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it.

Lily: No you won't, not this time atleast..

Princeton: Try me.

Lily: Please let me see Jojo again.

Princeton: Lily I'm sorry but I don't think I can forgive Prod for trash talking you and your family.

Lily: Well if you won't forgive him I won't forgive you.

Princeton: What do you mean?

Lily: You "trash talked" my family too making you just as bad as him. So if you won't forgive Prod why should I forgive you?

Princeton: Because I'm your cousin.

Lily: You haven't been acting like it lately.

There was an awkward silence for a while.

Princeton: Do you remember when we were younger and I'd come over to your house in the summer and we'd do stuff together?

Lily: Yeah.

Princeton: Do you remember that one time I pushed Phoenix in the pool and she swore at me in Spanish?

I laughed a bit remembering that.

Lily: Yeah.

Princeton: And that time we built a den?

Lily: That was cool.

Princeton: Lily?

Lily: Yes Jacob?

Princeton: I'm sorry.

Lily: I forgive you.

Prodigy's Brother (Jojo Crippen love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя