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— please note these changes in this fanfiction;
regulus is a year above lily&james&co, not a year below.
also / song recs, choose from below, shuffle them in a random order or play them in order as a whole playlist thingy –
afterglow - teenage wrist
i see fire - ed sheeran
silver - the neighbourhood
holocene - bon iver (+rain edit)
smoke - daughter
the draw - bastille
disappear - mikky ekko
my body is a cage - arcade fire
between two points - the glitch mob
fiction - the xx
- or choose your own songs aha ; by the way, before i forget, i might make these into an 8tracks playlist, to make it easier for you guys to listen to.

; or alternatively, the playlist 'many beautiful things' on spotify, by sleeping at last, if you want something different.

anyways, either way — enjoy ! —


Lily Evans was not one to be late.

For anything.

Anyone in the Evans family, in fact, were not ones to be late.

It was simply just not something they did.

Yet here she was — embarrassed and frustrated and damp from the rain cluttering outside, and the silly situation she had gotten herself into.

Twice she had scampered out of the safety of the corridors and onto the grounds. Twice she had run blindly over slippy grass, peeking in every classroom with her cheeks on fire despite the cold rain as she tried to find her class.

She had run around the school and taken turns left and right and waited for staircases to change — and if her timetable had given her a room, well, it would be a different situation!

Lily skidded to a halt on the fourth floor and the second corridor. Chest heaving, her new and polished shoes squeaked, caked in mushy brown mud.

She knew where the toilets were. She knew where the great hall was. Heck, she knew where her charms class was! But for the life of her, her eleven year old self could not find the potions classroom.

"Oh, bollocks!" She cursed, stomping down an empty corridor.

"Oh, bollocks indeed."

Lily turned.

In the shadows down the bottom of the corridor, her wide green eyes landed upon a small boy with dark eyes and dark hair and china skin and a sharpened face leaning on the wall.

"You're Sirius, right?" Lily found her voice finally, after drawing to a stop a good few feet from the boy in the shadows. It was quite a wild guess, but it did look like him. She had sat opposite him enough times at dinner to know, after all. His voice also had the same articulate quality.

"Not quite," the boy said, and she couldn't help but notice he sounded oddly bored and used to her statement. "Who're you?"

"Lily. Lily Evans," Lily squinted into the shadows, and took a cautious couple of steps closer to the boy.

"What, are you first year or something?"

"Yes," Lily nodded. "What about you?"

"Second," the boy sounded proud to beat her in something. "Are you a pureblood?"

Lily frowned, and stopped walking closer to him. "Doesn't matter. Shouldn't matter."

She had been told to say that by Sev, or something like that. "Because it doesn't matter," he had said.

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