A / N

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so, this is not an update, but you need to read it nevertheless because it's v important !!

i haven't updated in a while for a few reasons which are: school, school, school, school, school, and school.

yeah, we've gotten homework and assessments coming up & so i haven't had time to write stuff, but don't fret because as a matter of fact, this friday we are breaking up for the christmas holidays woooo ! :))

so as a result, this means lotsa time to relax and write and stuff (two weeks, in fact), and there are only two parts remaining to write so they should be done by then.

and unlike previous projects, i am not giving up on this one, because also unlike previous projects, i actually have the plot completely planned out, and so just need to write it to those plans.

thank you for sticking by, and the next update should be next weekend (ish) ??

bye for now :')
— soph

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