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above is who i, not completely, but still, imagine to be regulus - adrien sahores fyi.
this is an important note for the first scene in this part, and so please read it!! :
this year in their school life, i'm sure you're all aware that snape calls lily a mudblood, famously in snape's memory, and so naturally i thought i could interpret this into a one shot involving our dear reg. so in this i'm actually going to include legitimate words from the scene in tdh (by queen j.k, so all credit to her, ofc). but, i only managed to find a couple of things from the scene online, and have copied them and will paste them also. i don't know if there's more to the scene because me being me i can't find the book (i know, i know, i'm an idiot — don't fret tho i will find it!!) and so i am just going to include that small part, and because i'm so lovely, am going to highlight those in bold so that you know that's not my words lol, but in fact rowling's.
but for the rest, i am going to improvise myself c:
so here goes! just wanted to let you know! i'm also following a vague storyline because i think james is bullying snape or smth and lily stands up for him and blah blah he calls her a mudblood? idk, but i hope it's okay anyhow (i'm getting to fussed over this!).

"God, it's so hot," Lily flapped her hands desperately in front of her face and sighed.

The boy sat beside her merely raised an eyebrow.

"Are you not hot, Sev?" She looked at him in awe as he sat their with his green cloak on as well as everything else.

He turned the page in his book. "Not really, no."

"Lucky you."

He managed a slight twitch of his mouth and looked over at her. "It is October."

"The month doesn't determine the weather, say if it was January and —"

But she had cut off as another voice cut in. "Hey Evans!"

"Oh, Christ," she hissed to Severus, but he had turned pale all of a sudden.

"Go away," he suddenly spat through his teeth at James as their crowd of four: James, Sirius, Remus and Peter neared.

"What you going to do, Snivellus?" James said, as he swung under a branch and came right up to them there and then, rather louder than was needed. "Hex me?"

Sirius gave a bark-like laugh from behind him, and Remus Lupin merely looked bored. Him and Lily shared a brief moment of mutual understanding as they caught eye contact. And they're at it again. Oh, I know.

"So," James instead turned his attention back to Lily as Severus slumped his back into the trunk of the tree in defeat. "What do you say to —"

Lily let out such a harsh breath that it cut him off. "Go annoy someone else."

"But I like annoying you, Evans." He suddenly frowned, though, and looked at her then, somewhat curious. "Do I ... Really annoy you?"

"Intensely, Potter."

James' mouth turned up at the corner, and he turned to share a sort of triumphant look with Sirius.


"Hey, Snivellus. I was wondering, what pants are you bearing today? Thomas said he got a brief glance of grey the other day. Maybe next time you should pull your trousers up a bit higher."

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