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(Ella's P.O.V.)

I woke up the next morning to hear the sound of curtains opening. I open my eyes, and turn to see Andrew cuddling me starting to open his eyes as well. I look up, and see Taylor opening the curtains to my room. I sigh and lay back down. Andrew turns quickly to make sure he's safe, and sighs in relief. I sit up and rub my eyes so that everything wasn't blurry. I look back at Taylor to see her facing me with a friendly smile. It was huge and creepy it looked fake as well.

"Good morning Ella." She says excited.

"What time is it?" I say looking around for my phone.

"It's 9:30 I believe." I moan in annoyance, and look at her. "Everything alright?" She asks looking at me then at Andrew as he sits up.

"Yeah. Everything's fine. Thank you for waking me up." I say trying my hardest to not sound sarcastic.

"No problem." She said walking out of the room closing the door behind her.

"Great. Now she getting me up in the morning when its only her second day here. What the hell am I suppose to do. By tomorrow I won't have my own privacy anymore." I say looking at Andrew. He sighed and laughed looking at me.

"We just woke up. Can we complain later?"

"Yes. I'm sorry." He rubs my back, and gets up. I follow him with my eyes, and he walks out telling me that he was going to the bathroom. I nodded my head, and he left. I sigh once more and get up myself. I walk to my closet, and open it to find that all my dresses were moved to the front. I look around to see if there's a note or anything. Luckily there was. It was a note from my dad. It said: wear Something nice today alright. We're going to spend the day with Taylor.

- Dad

I sigh and look at the dresses.

"What to wear what to wear?" I say to myself looking at all them in anger hoping that maybe if I stare at them hard enough they set on fire. It didn't work though.

"Let me pick one for you." Andrew said embracing me from behind. "You look like you're having a hard time setting them in fire." I laugh at the comment, and feel myself calm down.

"Go on ahead. I have no sense of fashion when it comes to dresses." I say opening the door more so the Andrew could slip through. I back up and let him pick a dress. He looks at me then back at the dresses.

"Hmmm. What about this one?" He asks taking out a maxi dress that had a bunch if flowers on it. I smile and nod my head.

"That ones nice."

"It looks like its very lose too at the bottom." He hands me the dress and I take it. Andrew gets out of the closet, and info in closing it behind me. I turn the light on and change into the dress. I change quickly, given the dress just slipped fight onto me, and leave the closet. I turn the light off as I leave, and close the door behind me. I put my clothes I wore yesterday in my laundry basket, and then walk to the body mirror my dad nailed to the wall. I look at myself in the mirror, and smile content at what I was seeing.

"You look beautiful." Andrew said once again embracing me from behind.

"Thank you. I just need to brush my hair." I say looking at him through the mirror.

"Okay..." He said staying where he was.

"You know you kinda gotta let go of me so that I can brush my hair."

"I'm gonna brush it, okay?" He said walking to the dresser, and grabbing my brush. He walks back, and starts to brush my hair. It didn't hurt though it felt soothing. Which was different because normally I hurt myself when u brush my hair. "Can I put it up too?" Andrew said putting my brush down in the dresser, and grabbing the back of hair stuff I had. He walks back over to me, and hand me the bag. "Hold that for me will you?"

Abused by her.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant