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(Andrews P.O.V .)

I back away a little in disbelief looking at Ella. Well whatever was in Ella. She smiled and was going to talk but I stop her by talking first.

"I look like that kid." I state looking at her confused.

"You do. No one understands why." Ella says staying against the tree.

"By no one you mean you?"

"Yes. And Taylor. Do you understand why she doesn't like you now?"

"I didn't know she didn't like me."

"Well she doesn't like you. Because you look exactly like... Me." I look at Ella confused. Then I realized that this was Andrew. The other one that is.

"Can I have Ella back. Please."

"If you really want her then yes. Only if you treat her well. She's a nice girl. I'd hate to see her fall apart so quickly.

"Trust me. I won't hurt her. She's the one I want. She's everything I ever wanted. She's someone I need."

"That's cute. As long as her father isn't anything like Annabelle's mother. Alright, so she doesn't fall when I leave, can you come embrace her or something?"

"Yeah." I walked over to Ella, and grab her by the waist. 

"I won't hurt her. I promise. I'm here to protect her. Her father though. That's something I can't stop. I have to hurt him. Plus if I don't Annabelle will hurt him herself. Good bye Andrew. I will see you again."

"Goodbye." It was quiet, and felt unsettling having to hold someone who wasn't Ella. I see Ella go limp, and my grip on her is stronger than before so that she didn't fall to the ground. "Hey, alright." I say not ready for the heavy weight. I hear Ella make a noise, and move back a little. She looks at me confused, then looks around at her surroundings.

"What happened?" She asks in a normal voice confused.

"I just learned something new." I say looking at her normal. As if what happened was an illusion.

"Well I don't have time to hear it I need to get home." Ella says walking away.

"Ella we should stay here for a little while."

"Why? Okay, owe. I can't feel my legs." I walk over to her seeing that she almost fell, and grab her hand. I pulled her towards me and she looked at me like she just saw something scary.

"We must stay here."

"How come I don't remember anything? I remember going to your house. Then I was in my living room then in my room, and Taylor was there. Now I'm here."

"Yeah. Um..."

"You know what I don't want to know. I'm just glad I'm in your arms." She says putting her arms around my neck. "I'm also really tired. Look the sun's going down. Let's go home." She tries to get our of the embrace, but I stop her by pushing her against the tree.

"Ella. I think that we should really stay here for a little." Ella looks at me with a interested look on her face.

"Okay. What are we gonna do?"

"Um. We couldy talk. Hm. We could play a game. Anything you want."

"Hmm. I have an idea."

"What's your idea?"

"Well. We could... Dance."

"What kind of dancing?"

"We could slow dance, tango, do the macarena I don't care. I just wanna dance. When's the last time you danced Andrew?"

"Um... Well I haven't been to any dances since eighth grade so winter carnival in eighth grade."

"What? No that's not okay. We are going to dance to a wacky song. Because why not. Come on. I'll put on a song, and we can dance to it." Ella goes to go grab her phone when it starts to rain. She screams, and smiles. "Even better." She puts her hands around my neck, and I put my hands on my waist.

"Do you still wanna dance?"

"No. I wanna spin. Let's have a spinning contest. Whoever stops spinning loses."

"Okay. Ready set go." We back away from each other, and start spinning.

We must have been spinning for about ten minutes before I gave up. Well actually I tripped over a rock. I look over at Ella to see that she noticed and is pointing and laughing at me still spinning. I get up, and run over to her. I pick her up by her waist she screams surprised, and I put her down.

"I win. Haha." She says acting like a child.

"No fare I tripped over a rock."

"Is too fare. You weren't paying attention."

"How the hell am I suppose to-" I get stopped by Ella kissing me on the lips.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that we get home so that we can both dry off."

"You know I almost forgot it was raining."

"Really? How?"

"Well when you're with the most amazing, fun, and beautiful girl in the world you tend to forget alot of stuff." I say putting my hands on her waist.

"Mhm. I think you were just making an excuse so that you could call me beautiful."

"Eh well. We all have our excuses." I say giving her a kiss. It was a bit longer than I expected it to be, but I really didn't care.

"Okay. Can we go to my house now?" Ella says removing her lips from my.

"Yes. Come on." We walk to the car holding hands, and once we got to the car we both get in. I turn the car on, and drive away from the field. The field that started everything, and ended alot of things.

We drove to Ella's house in silence, and it gives me time to think about everything. It also gave me enough time to worry about Taylor. I park my car in the driveway of Ella's house, and turn it off. We both get out and run to the front door. Ella opens the door, and we both walk in. I close the door behind me quickly so that the rain doesn't come inside the house.

"Oh thank god you're okay." I hear Taylor say. She walks over to Ella and hugs her. I look at her than walk towards Ella.

"Please don't touch her." I say subconsciously. Taylor looks at me with anger, and Ella looks at me with a thankful look.

"Excuse me?" Taylor says putting her hands on her hips.

"I know you heard me. Please don't touch Ella. You have no right to touch her let alone hug her." I say grabbing Ella's hand and moving her behind me seeing that Taylor was ready to hit someone.


"You know exactly why. Now please move out of the way. We need to dry off." Taylor moves out of the way, and me and Ella walk up the stairs. We walk into Ella's room, and I close the door behind me.

"What the hell was that?" Ella asks turning to face me.

"What do you mean?" I say leaning up against her door.

"You went all protective over me because Taylor hugged me."

"Yeah. I know. She has no right to do that. Not after what happened today."

"What exactly happened?" Ella asks walking over to me.

"I can show you. I don't want to have to explain it."

"You can't show me though. You can only show me the future remember?"

"Not anymore. I can show you the past aswell."

"That's cool. I want to be able to do something like that."

"Yeah. Well hopefully someday you'll figure it out."

"Okay. Show me. I don't remember what happened." She walks to me, and I slip past her. I spin her around, and pull her towards me.

"Don't be mad at me. Be mad at Taylor after this."


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