Leader Kevath

19 5 0

-ProbablyNotAKyoPan  's OC-

Name: Kevath
Scales old: 19 scales old.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown
Rank: Leader

Looks: Kevath is a tall, magnificent dragon, he has large wings, and one has a small narrow gash in the membrane which does limit his flying a bit as after a while he will tilt to the side. His scales are a deep, midnight blue, very nearly to black and he has black horns from the top of his head to the tip of his tail. He has bright, icy blue eyes and his claws are quite blunt.

Personality: Kevath is very mysterious, a bit of a closed book. He is 100 percent focused on leading his tribe to success, and making sure it sticks together. He doesn't understand love or anything of the sort and is a bit of a dragonling on the subject.

Mate: "I do not even think of such things"
Crush: "No.."
Offspring: "I'm a male."

Why they deserve their rank- He is brave and bold, a strong leader.

Speed- 4/10
Strength- 8/10
Endurance- 5/10
Intelligence- 9/10

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