Leader Blitz

17 5 0

-Kwehtonix  's OC-

Name: Blitz
Scales old: 20 scales
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown
Rank: Leader

Looks: Blitz is a a white/blue with various shades of scales and long arched wings. His teeth are sharp; He is fairly big. He has two horns the curve back, reaching to his shoulder-blades, and some cheek horns.

Personality: Blitz is mainly a narrow-minded dragon with a coldish heart. He is cold and brooding to protect his dragons and dragoness'. He likes flying through the sunset, and enjoys the cold climate.

Mate: "I don't know what love is yet. Not after her death."
Crush: "Perhaps one day."
Offspring: One son, Ezekal

Why they deserve their rank- Blitz is brave, strong, and always ready to defend his isle. He is usually standing guard in his free-time, and he is a little more careful then most dragons.

Speed- 9:10
Strength- 9:10
Endurance- 7:10
Intelligence- 8:10

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