Healer Akila

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-Daenerys_Stormborn 's OC-

Name: Akila
Scales old: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Rank: Healer

Looks: She's a gold dragon, plain and simple. She's curvy and slim, not built for fighting. Her claws are slim and agile, and her teeth are long and sharp. Her eyes are a sharp green and often pierce into others.

Personality: She's a very motherly dragon, she cares for everyone and isn't afraid to go out of her way to help them. She's very careful with her work and is quite gentle, but she will not hesitate to snap and correct someone if they're acting up.

Mate: "I don't know if I want that....."
Crush: "No......"
Offspring: "..... I wouldn't be a very good mother..."

Why they deserve their rank- She's gentle and kind and just loves helping.

Speed- 7/10
Strength- 3/10
Endurance- 4/10
Intelligence- 10/10

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