Chapter Five

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"Son of a-."

"Don't swear!"

"He bit me!"

"He's trying to express his love for you." She cooed at the ginger and white demon, otherwise known as Sir Raspberry Carrot Cola. Why did she choose such a silly name for a cat!

"By drawing blood!" I snapped as I looked at the gaping bite marks on my hand.

"Naughty kitty." She stroked the furry devil as he purred in her arms. I was 100% convinced he was giving me genuine cat evils. 

"Help me put on his jumper." She held out a poorly knitted red Christmas jumper. Another one of her failed attempts to knit but I didn't have the heart to tell her that it was the most hideous thing I had ever seen. And I had seen Ana first thing in the morning.

When I first arrived at her house I didn't expect her to be wearing a pair of cat's ears and painted on cat whiskers. She completed her outfit with a skirt, tights and black lace top. I didn't even bother questioning her outfit because I'd given up trying to figure out her odd fashion choices. The ends of her hair were no longer purple but royal blue and her hair was in a big braid.

After much struggling we had managed to put on the hideous jumper on Carrot who fled the room after. I walked over to her bed where she was sat staring at me. As per usual she had a lollipop in her mouth, raspberry flavour this time.

"The things we could do all alone at home," I whispered as I looked at her. She looked ridiculous yet adorable wearing her cat ears.

"What could we do?" She looked at me quizzically with a frown.

"I could think of a few things," I said seductively as I took hold of her hand and entwined our fingers. Her hands were soft and small.

"I know what we could do," she said as she got onto her knees on the bed making her reach my chest as I stood near her bed.

"What?" I suddenly felt the room get a bit hot as I realised how close our mouths had gotten. I didn't get what it was about her that made me feel like a flustered teenage boy talking to his first crush. She had this hold over me that I couldn't understand but I wasn't complaining as her red lips came closer.

"We could play MONOPOLY!" she shrieked in excitement as she jumped off the bed to grab the board game.


"You landed on my house, pay me my rent!"

"That's my house not yours."

Every game of Monopoly always ended up like this; a heated argument as the players wrestled over fake Monopoly money. She had launched herself at me ending up on my lap as she tried to wrestle me.

"I think I need to tickle you into submission," I chuckled as I began to tickle her. She squealed in laughter as she flailed around in my lap.

"S-s-stop," she gasped in between peals of laughter.

"Tell me I'm the best," I teased as I stopped tickling her as I held her in my arms.


I began tickling her again and eventually she relented, "You're the best!" Her cat ears had fallen off whilst I was tickling her.

I picked her up and she sat on my lap with her arms around my neck. Due to our positioning our faces were close again. Her eyes looked down at my lips before she brought them back up to my face.

"You still owe me rent."

"I could pay you in lollipops?" She offered as she snuggled closer to me whilst grinning at me.

Her eyes drifted to my lips again and I couldn't ignore it this time. I pulled her closer and tilted her chin up. Her eyes closed inviting me to kiss her. I placed my lips softly on hers just to make sure she was comfortable. She tightened her hold on me and put her hands in my hair. I held on to the back of her head as I kissed more confidently now. I don't know how long we had been kissing for but just as she let out the most sexiest moan I had ever heard we were interrupted.

"What the hell is this!?"

We sprang apart to see a man standing in the doorway. He looked a bit scruffy and the stench of beer coming from him was strong.



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