Chapter Ten

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Happy New Year! I want to thank everyone who has read/voted/commented on 'Her'. Please make sure to read right until the end. Also, please do leave me a comment :)

I exhaled loudly as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I couldn't believe this day had come so fast. I ran my fingers through my hair as I grew nervous by the second. I didn't know if I was able to get through today.

As my mind raced I didn't realise that Ana had come in.

"Hey, we just wanted to check you were okay?" Ana smiled at me reassuringly.

Before I could reply I felt a little hand tug at my trousers. I looked down to see a grinning carbon copy of Ana.

"Look, Uncle Ashy! I boughtted some flowers!" Sofia thrust the pink flowers into my face as I picked her up in my arms.

"You mean brought some flowers," corrected Ana as she laughed.

"That's what I said, Mama," replied Sofia as she wrapped an arm around my neck.

"They're really pretty, Sofia, they match your dress," I said as I watched Sofia beam with pride.

A few months after Ana and Noah had gotten married they discovered Ana was pregnant with Sofia. Despite her being an unexpected surprise they were overjoyed. Sofia quickly became the apple of her Daddy's eyes.

"Ash, are you ready? We need to head to the church," said Noah as he stuck his head through the door.

"Daddy!" Sofia shrieked as she reached for Noah.

"Fifi, you're going to crease Ashton's shirt," said Noah as he took his daughter in his arms.

"Sorry," replied Sofia as she kissed Noah on the cheek who couldn't help but smile in return.

Normally I would have teased Noah for being putty in his daughter's hands but I grew nervous again. They left the room but Ana decided to stay back.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked as she straightened my tie.

"I'm just being silly," I said as I tried to reassure Ana I was fine.

"No you're not. Just calm down and take a deep breath. Remember she'll always love you and you'll always love her." She kissed me on the cheek and left.

After a few minutes I had calmed down and headed to the car.

"Hello, carina," I grinned down as I looked at my daughter, Nova. She was the spitting image of her Mum and she was my entire life. She smiled up at me as I stroked her cheek. I made sure that she was strapped safely in her car seat before we left.

As we drove to the church I reminisced to when I had finally proposed to her.

I felt stupid wearing a badly knitted hat and walking a cat. After much begging she had managed to persuade me to let her knit a hat for me. She claimed that it was in the shape of a fox. It looked like more of a toad to me but I smiled and pretended she had done a fantastic job.

I regretted saying that when she decided that we should walk Carrot straight after she gave me the hat. I couldn't pretend that I had lost it so I was forced to wear it. Several people had given us strange looks and laughed. I wasn't sure if it was because of my hat or because we were walking a cat on a leash.

It could have been due to the fact that she was wearing a jumper with a 3D cat on it. It had the face on the front and the tail hanging off the back. She seemed very pleased with her outfit so I didn't have the heart to say otherwise.

We walked into the park and let Carrot off his leash. He immediately ran off to chase a butterfly. We went to sit at the big gazebo in the middle of the park. I took a big breath as I took her hands in mine.

"I'm really nervous right now so excuse me if I ramble. I've been in love with you since I was a teenager. I still remember when we first spoke and I knew right then that you were different. You accept me with all my flaws and have been there for me every step of the way. You stood by me and helped me achieve my dreams of becoming a successful boxer."

Her eyes softened as she lovingly caressed my cheek. I could see tears starting to fill her eyes. I got down to one knee as her eyes grew wide as she watched me.

"I want, no I need to spend the rest of my life with you. I need to be the one that you make awful knitted hats for." She giggled as a tear escaped and trailed down her cheek. "I vow to love and protect you. I vow to take away all the hurt your Dad has caused and replace it with my love."

I took out a black velvet box from my back pocket and held it in my palm. I slowly opened it to reveal a simple diamond ring.

"Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

"YES!" She launched herself at me causing me to topple to the ground. I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug.

I had a huge grin plastered on my face as I remembered that day. It was the best day of my entire life. Well, after the day Nova was born. We had to wait a few months before we could get married as she had to heal from her injuries inflicted by her Dad. I immediately stopped thinking about it as I didn't want to think of her Dad. Today was about us and all the good memories we shared together.

I got out of the car and I smiled as I walked towards her holding Nova in my arms.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I was really nervous about today and I didn't realise the time. Do you remember I was late to our own wedding? You swore you'd never forgive me," I laughed as I remembered her sulking face. "You could never stay angry at me for too long. It's one of the many things I love about you."

I turned around to see my parents, Ana, Noah and Sofia watching me. I saw Mum was trying to contain her tears as she was getting teary eyed.

Sofia came forward and placed her pink flowers down. "Look, LoLo, I gotted flowers for you. I hope you like them." She grinned up at me as she leaned against my leg. "I played with Carrot today and he misses you."

After everyone had placed their flowers and spoken a few words I was left alone with her again.

"I'll come visit you again during the week to make up for me missing my visit last week. I didn't want to but I had that fight in Dubai, do you remember? You'll be happy to know that I won the fight.

I just want you to know that I love you and I always will. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I wish you were here with me now and you could watch our daughter grow up. But I know that even though you're not here with us you'll always be watching over us."

I kissed the gravestone as I read the words on it.

In Loving Memory of Lolaria Bianchi

Loving Wife, Mother, Sister and Daughter

13 August 1992 – 3 March 2016

Lolaria had died a few months after Nova had been born. She was killed by a drunk driver and had died before she had even reached the hospital. It killed me that Nova would never get to meet her Mum. But I vowed that I would spend the rest of my life making sure that Nova would become an amazing person just like Lolaria was.

As I looked up at the sky I saw the sun shining down.

My life would never be the same without her.


So her name has finally been revealed! I hope you enjoyed this chapter despite it not being what you may have hoped for. There's still happiness in Ashton's life in the form of Nova.

I want to thank everyone for all the support I've received for 'Him' & 'Her'. That's the end for Ana and Ashton, but not their kids. Be sure to read 'The Flour Babies' to find out more ;)

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