Chapter Nine

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Before this chapter starts I wanted to ask you a question. After the next chapter 'Her' will be finished. Would you be interested in reading one of my longer stories? As 'Him' & 'Her' are short stories I really want to try and write a longer book. Please comment and let me know what you think.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. There's a small clue at the end as to what her name is, comment if you think you know what it could be!

A few weeks has passed since she had fallen ill and I had taken her to my house. We were back to speaking again which I was really glad about. But we had to keep our friendship a secret just in case her Dad were to find out.

Even though I had told her several times that I wasn't scared of her Dad she was still frightened of him knowing we were speaking again. Hence why we had started hanging out at my house. It was the safest place for her and me to talk to each other without there being any fear of being seen.

She and Ana had become really good friends too which was always a good thing. Noah had also warmed up to her too. Even though I knew he was dating Ana I still couldn't help but feel a bit jealous when she'd laugh at any of Noah's jokes. But my jealousy would leave instantly when she'd smile at me and snuggle into my arms.

I had brought up the idea of her moving out so she wouldn't be her Dad's personal punching bag but she would always refuse.

"I told you, Ashton," she shook her head before I had even finished my sentence, "I told you things have been going well. My Dad's hardly at home these days and even when he is he leaves me alone."

"So? That doesn't mean he won't try again." I tried to get her to understand that it wasn't safe for her to stay there. But again she told me she wasn't going to leave home just yet. She did say she would look into leaving home once she had graduated.


"I told you, you had nothing to be nervous about," I said as I grinned at her. She looked up at me shyly as I grabbed her hand as I walked her to my car.

Dad had been wanting to meet her for a while now as he had heard so much about her from Ana and Mum. They had been practically singing her praises for the past two months. Tonight she had been invited to our house for dinner. At first she had been scared which I could totally understand. She was meeting my parents and we weren't even an actual couple yet.

After a lot of coaxing she had relented and agreed to come to dinner. Thankfully dinner had been a huge success and now Dad loved her as much as Mum did. Unfortunately I didn't realise when Mum had gotten out my baby album and started showing her my baby pictures. Including a very embarrassing photo of me dressed up as a girl.

"I think you looked very cute," she teased as I opened the car door to let her in.

"Don't ever speak of that photo ever again," I jokingly threatened her as I started the car. We spent the rest of the drive to her house talking and listening to music. Once we reached her house I got out and opened her door. When we reached her front door she looked up at me and smiled.

"Thanks so much for inviting me over. I really enjoyed myself," she said as she reached up to put her arms around my neck. This caused our faces to get closer as I bent down slightly.

"I'm really glad you came tonight. I don't usually invite girls to my house, especially to meet my parents."

"Does this make me special?" She had a wide grin on her face and pulled me closer.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her completely against my body. I could feel her breasts against my chest. No doubt she could feel certain parts of me pressed tightly against her. "You've always been special to me," I said as I kissed her. She moaned as the kiss turned hot very quickly. Unfortunately she pulled away pretty sharpish.

"I don't want to get caught," she admitted as she blushed.

"Fine but next time don't expect me to stop," I teased causing her to flush even more. I kissed her once more before she walked inside. I watched as she waved at me before closing her front door.

I had gotten back into my car and had driven away when I realised that she had left her phone in my car. I drove back to her house to give her phone back. As I walked towards her house I could hear a blood curdling scream coming from her house. As I got closer I could someone swearing whilst the screaming got worse. It suddenly stopped and a few seconds later her Dad stormed out of the house.

My stomach knotted in fear as what looked suspiciously like blood was splattered on his face. He looked like a mess as per usual and seemed to be in his typical drunken state. I quickly hid behind a tree so he wouldn't see me. As he walked away I could hear him muttering to himself.

"I'm glad I killed the slut. Stupid b*tch deserved it!" He muttered. At these words my heart thumped.

As soon as I saw he had left I quickly ran to her house.

"Hello!? Open up, it's me Ashton!" I screamed as I knocked on the door. I was banging on the door to the point that I thought I would make my knuckles bleed but no one answered. I was starting to get more scared as more time passed and she didn't answer the door.

I looked around me to find something to smash the living room window with. If I couldn't get through the front door I would just have to find another way to get in. I noticed a loose brick which was a part of the small brick wall in front of her house. There seemed to be several loose bricks.

"If you're near the window move out the way," I warned as I smashed the brick against the window. The glass shattered as I kept smashing the window until it was broken enough for me to get through.

As I entered into the living room my stomach fell. There she was lying on the floor, in a pool of her own blood. Her face was bloody and looked like it had been repeatedly hit. She was spouting so much blood you could barely see her face. Her hair was tangled and had matted where hair and blood had met. I rushed to her to check her pulse but I could just barely feel it.

"Can you hear me? Please say you can?" I begged but she didn't answer. I didn't want to move her to hold her just in case I unintentionally did more damage.

I went to grab my phone from my pocket to call the ambulance when I could hear someone stepping on broken glass.

I turned round to see her Dad staring at me. He was breathing heavily as he looked at me menacingly. "I told you to stay away from the hussy. I warned you that I'd kill you. Don't say I didn't warn you." As he threatened me he walked slowly towards me as if I were his prey. I didn't notice the brick in his hand until it was too late.

"Stay." He swung the brick at my right cheek causing me to drop to the floor. "Away." He struck my face. "From." He struck me right across my head. "L-"

I didn't know what he said next because everything went black.



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Her - The Wild(e) Bianchis #2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora