The Return

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I felt the magic buzz through my finher tips, the power carried me like I was a cloud. I stood in a alley way chanting some magic making a vampire fall to the ground. The magic controled me, it was so great to feel this power I probably had a sinister grin on my face. I looked down to my arms and seen my veins going black.

"Did that human desrerve to be your dinner?" I yelled, looking at the drained body on the geound beside the monster. It held its head in its hands like it was about to go pop.

"Tell me!" I yelled again, alowly raising my arm increasing the pain.

"No!" He yelped, he fell on his knees infront of me. I go close enough to him where I stoped the pain and stood there infront of him.

"Please... Don't hurt me" He heaved looking up at me with his green eyes. He was praying, I looked down to him shrugging a shoulder.

"I supose I won't hurt you"

"Thank you... I promise to not hurt anyone ever again" He said slowly getting up. I shoke my head, of course he was lying. That's all that vampires do.

"I know...That's why I'm going to kill you" I said quickly plunging the stake from behind my back right into his chest. He died with hope, but he also died with stupidity.

His body fell limb to the ground and I turned away, and walked. I left Klaus a few days ago, and every vampire I have crossed here in Chigago has died because of me and there bad habbits.

Something sharp and little went into my shoulder and I looked down seeing a little neutralizing dart. My heads rolled to the back of my head and I fell to the ground.


"Ugh" I mourned once I woke up, the back of my head killed and when I looked around I knew striaght away we were in a truck that just stoped.

"Ugh" A deep voice mourned behind me and when I turned I seen Stefan getting up holding his neck.

"Stefan?" I said and he looked at me. Footsteps could be heard outside the back door and it opened revealing the one person who could be behind this.

"Klaus" I muttered, it always came back around to him. He jumped up in the truck and I stared outside still not seeing where we are, I don't think Stefan has even seen out the door yet. Klaus kneeled infront of Stefan.

"Just give me a chance to explain myself ok?" Stefan says getting into a sitting position.

"No need. I'm not mad. I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think your holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts, borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding" Klaus says, I get up quickly and walk towards the door. I open it and looked out. so surprised to be here

"Welcome back to Mystic Falls" Klaus says.

Oh no, this is a problem. I look to Stefan who gives me a look. The whole bad thing of being here is.

He told me that Elena was still alive yesturday night.

-Yesturday Night-

I walked down the street in Chigago just looking at all the signs and such. But a hand grasped my wrist and I was turned.

I came face to face with Stefan and he had a worried face on. He looked at my dead in the eye before dragging me in an alley. His back faced me for a second before he stoped.

"Stefan what the hell? I said and he turned around. He finally let go of me and grabed ahold of my shoulders.

"Elena's alive" He confessed and I was stunned. I took a step back and widened my eyes. No... so that's why Klaus's hybirds weren't turning out the greatest I guess, because he should have a armt by now.

"Does he know?"

"No" Stefan said and started pacing "What should I do?"

"Well, how are they going to find Elena if they thinks she's dead?" I said, he looked back at me, he looked like he was about to break in a bunch of little peices.

"Because Rebekah is back and Gloria a witch thats helping Klaus is looking for her necklace-" Stefan said. I finally knew what the silver chained necklace was, it was a talisman. That belonged to the original witch.

"Okay.. The necklace you gave Elena is Rebekahs. I'll head back to Mystic Falls and find it and hide it" I said and walked away but Stefan grabed my arm.

"Thank you" he said and I nodded, I walked away and down the street before I found those pathetic things called vampires eating away at some girls neck.

I hate those bastards


"Klaus" I said as he dragged me through the highschool by my arm and it started to get really sore. We rounded many corners but finally came to a stop.

"Klaus! Lets go the other way!" I said, I didn't wanna stay in one spot to long incase if Elena walked by.

The double doors beside us opened and Elena walked through and ran right into me and Klaus.

"Theres my other girl" Klaus says and Elena tries to run but he grabs her to and walks down the hallways holding us by our arms.

"You are suposed to be dead. Now, what are we going to do about that" Klaus says to her and we walk. We open some doors and walked right into the gymnasium.

"Hello seniors!" Klaus yells sarcasticlly "You have been busted! Now you may leave!"

Everyone started to leave, but I knew he was up to something. I riped his arm from his grasp and steped away ready to tose him around.

"But you two!" Klaus said to two teenagers in his normal voice"You two. I remember you."

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" The girl said and Klaus's hold on my arm tightens.

"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met" Klaus says and looks her in the eyes " Lift your foot up, please, Dana"

Klaus compells her and she obeys.

"If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?" Klaus spoke to the other teenage boy named Chad.

"Don't Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody!" Elena yells, Klaus still had her in his grasp. I then turned my head to him and he gave me a chill sending smile.

"Of course I do love" Klaus say to Elena. He then used his supernatural strength and pushed me into the wall.

He bit his wrist forcing it into my mouth,I grabed his arm trying to force him away but it wasn't working so well since hes a hybird.

He grabed my vervain necklace and threw it to the floor. Ever since I've been all crazy I haven't drank any vervain.

"If you dare move from that spot to stop me" Klaus said moving close to me whispering "I will kill you. Making you into the monster you hate most"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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