
120 5 4

It's the little things;
A noise, a flash of light,
A silhouette in the mirror,
A glimpse of movement.
Things that aren't there.
As I fall asleep,
Gruesome faces appear
Just before I close my eyes.
Sometimes I blink
And I see blood.
Blood everywhere.
And within a second,
It's gone.
I can't function normally-
I'm too afraid of my mind.
At night, it's hell.
I can't help but wonder...
What's wrong with me?


Hey there.
I have to run a mile in class tomorrow.
I'm seriously considering making myself throw up during the period before gym.
Because (OF COURSE) I'm the only fat person in my gym class AND the only one who can't run a mile easily.
Actually, I can't run a mile at all.
Maybe I should just throw up before I go to school?

Nobody reads this crap anyways so bye.

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