Thank You

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You'll never read this.
You don't even know who I am.
But I want to thank you anyway.
Thank you for helping me.
You're teaching me how to love myself.
Even though I'm still learning,
It's making a difference.
Thank you for teaching me to stand up for myself.
You don't let anyone put you down.
I think that's really admirable, even if you're defending something small.
Thank you for teaching me that I don't need to put up with others' shit.
You don't even pay attention to people who are rude to you.
You act like they don't exist.
And finally, you're teaching me that I'm not worthless.
That even if I feel like I am, there's people who care.
That my happiness should matter, and that people can't take it away from me.
So thank you.

Wow an actual poem

This is for someone who doesn't even know me. They're a really amazing person and a positive influence.

Um I don't really have anything else to say. Bye

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