-Chapter 3-

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The heat of the flames grew stronger as we ran closer to the site of the explosion. Rick and others had arrived to start putting out the fire when I noticed a shadowy figure on the rooftops. I bumped Matt with my shoulder and nodded towards the rooftops. He nodded back in understanding, and I sprinted for the nearest building on the side of the street the figure was on. There was no ladder, so I began to climb and jump from windowsill to windowsill until I reached the top of the building. On the next building over, the figure noticed me and started running in the other direction.

"Well, here goes nothing," I said to myself before I put distance between myself and the gap between the two buildings. Without another thought, I sprinted straight towards the edge of the building and jumped harder than I ever have before in my life. I landed with a hard thud before rolling on my shoulder to lessen the damage of the impact. As I stood up, I noticed the dark figure frantically looking for an escape route. There were no there buildings within jumping distance other than the one behind me, and this structure itself had no windows or ladders to use to climb down to the ground below.

"So, you have to choices. Either turn yourself in and come with me for questioning, or you can try to kill me. What's it going to be?," I said the cloaked man now drawing what seemed to be a rather long knife out of his belt.

"Fine. Suit yourself," I said as I drew the katana from its sheathe on my back. The man charged me and I sidestepped his lunge as he nearly flung himself off the building. Right before he fell, I grabbed his unarmed hand and pulled, dislocating his shoulder. Out of pain, he dropped the knife and I took the opportunity to kick it aside. Seeing his determination, I knew he wouldn't break that easily. Before he could crawl away, I stabbed him in the leg and it went clean through and stuck into the weak frame of the roof, so he wasn't going anywhere.

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