-Chapter 6-

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Before I could respond, the worker had already got up and started walking towards the building which had been the target of the explosion, which its first floor's interior was now little more than debris and pieces of the floor above that had also been affected by the events of last night. He had stepped into the building, and was motioning for us to join him. The minute I stepped through the destroyed doorway, and overwhelming smell of burnt material hit me. Matt had ran outside, and I turned just to see him lose what little breakfast he did have left. Resuming my previous position, I noticed that the man had somehow vanished. I walked forward cautiously, thinking he may still be hidden somewhere nearby. As I neared the rear of the room, a voice echoed throughout the barren room.

"Hey, down here to your right. This is what we found," I heard as a head popped out from behind a pile of rubble. I walked closer, and what would've been under the floor before was now an opening that was a perfect square and had a metal sliding door, as if it had been here the whole time. There being a rusty ladder, I made my way down to where the worker had gone. When I finished coming down, I was now standing in a small, dark room that was connected to a tunnel.

"Still got your weapon, lad," the man asked me as he turned on his helmet's headlamp and pulled out a rather large combat knife.

"My orders are to explore this area. Thought I could use your help, considering what you had done last night was, let's just say, rather remarkable for times like these." Nodding, I followed him into the dark and shadowed passage that lay in front of us.

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