-Chapter 4-

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"Who are you and what do you know about the explosion," I yelled as I pressed the katana further up his leg. 

"M-my name is L-Luke," he said before wincing in pain. "All I was doing w-was destroying p-poisonous food. The f-food we found in the c-city hall attic. Now, please h-help me up." 

I pulled the katana out of his leg and helped him up off the ground. The minute he turned around, a look of sadness and grief spread across his face. 

"The only way across is to jump. I can't jump with an injured leg. Thank you for believing my lie, but I have failed my mission and am no longer armed. Goodbye," Luke said this right as he fell backwards onto the ground and through the fire that was still raging below us.

 I jumped  back across the gap between the two buildings and saw Matt on the roof exhausted. It turns out he managed to get up here, despite his small frame. Down below, the fire had been extinguished by Rick and the others.

"Hey Rick, can you set up a ladder for us," I asked while leaning over the edge. A few minutes later, Matt and I were back down on the ground with everyone wondering about what had happened. That's when I told them that I might have had an idea who was responsible for it. 

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