Calum?Calum <3

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"You could like me.After all,I would like you back"said Calum,as he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.
I lied down in bed,thinking it over and over. "Me with Calum?ME with CALUM?!" It came to the point where I couldn't think anymore and just called Cal.
"Hello?" Said Calum.I could hear he was half asleep.
"Hey,um Cal?" I said,nervously tapping my phone case.
"Oh,um,hey darling.What's up?"
"Nothing,I just,um,felt like talking.Is that okay or are you wanting some sleep?"
"No,no,it's fine.So what do you want to talk about?"
"That kiss.Did it mean anything to you.?"
"Oh,that.If we are going talk about it,can we do it face-to-face?It would be much better for me to see your expression."
"Yeah,yeah sure.Well,I guess that's all I wanted to talk about."
"Well we'll talk about that tomorrow,I promise.For now,you should get some sleep.Our first day of 12th grade is tomorrow.Goodnight."

I let my head fall on my pillow.
Great,he wants to talk face to face.Even more awkward.
But I guess that's Cal,always keeping you on the edge of your seat.

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