The Plan

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I guess I've had enough of this world.

I walked home alone,thinking about how no one would miss me,especially Cal since he has that Melody Grace girl.I felt soft taps on my shoulder and head.It was about to rain.That gave me an idea.
   Okay,so the idea was to go to the lake and hang myself on the maple tree standing above the lake,that way,the fishermen could know first and keep fishing until they've gotten enough fish.Then,they'll report a suicide.It wasn't a perfect plan,but it was a plan,and thats all that I wanted to get.
   As I was walking around the corner of the schools sidewalk someone tapped my shoulder. Before I could see who the person was,they ran away.Al, I know was they had a blue backpack and black skinny jeans.But wait, they forgot something.A note fell off of them probably and landed right next to my feet.I picked it up slowly and I read the contents inside of it.It said:

What the hell is wrong?I know I acted like a jerk today at lunch,but I still love you as a friend.Who ever is bullying you,they should know I'm going to be with you when they are.We stick together.
-Cal :)))

So......Cals idea of saying sorry is sending one of his flying monkeys to come give me a note?No way,if he was sorry,he would've told me.
Now,I'm officially done with....

"Andi!!Did you get my note?"Said a voice behind me.I was cut off from thinking about my suicide plan.Who is it now?Another flying monkey??!
No,it was the flying monkeys leader,Cal the trader.
"What now?!"I said.I've had enough of Calum.
"Look,I-I know that lunch fiasco was not the best thing to have after you were getting harassed,but I promise you,I talked to Mel and it wasn't her.Her e-mail is and her name isn't Judith.Trust me,it's not her."
Great,is that all he wanted to tell me?I turned away,and accidentally fell over a branch.All my books scattered on the sidewalk,and I laid there for a few seconds in pain and finally got up on my knees.Cal helped me gather my books,but he stood still when he saw my arms.Shoot,I forgot to unroll my sleeves.He saw the scars and the fresh cuts I made today in the bathroom.He plopped my books near him and grabbed my hands.
"Please,don't do this."He pleaded.
What the heck,is he trying to be nice or does he actually care?Nice.
"What am I supposed to do,tell you how I actually feel when I already know that's just a waste of words?"
"Andi,i-it's not like that.I will listen to you.Believe me please.Are you.....suicidal?"
"I wouldn't say that,but kind of.I have this mental image in my head about how I should die and when."
He released my hands from his grasp and stood me up.He handed me my books and we walked silently to the neighborhood I live in.Once we arrived at my house,I had to speak.
"Goodbye Cal."I said.
"Don't say that.Say goodnight,because Iknow I'll see you I the morning.Goodnight Andi."
I stood there.He stood there.I stared at him.He stared at me.
"Goodbye Cal."I said as I walked into my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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