Are you a scaredy cat?

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Chapter Two: Are you a scaredy cat?

It was the nightfall, when the barrier between the realms is faint ; and when magic old, sings with its scented breath an intoxicating, melodious song to anyone who listens.

The thick smell of fire permeated the room, wisps of grey smoke coiled and danced. Wood stirred stimulating the still ash into desertion, decorating the room in its color. Shuu Sakamaki casually rested on the floor. He looked like an inimitable sculpture every curve and feature of his face was angelic in his dormancy.

His lashes are so long I thought

I traced his eyelids arch gently with the tip of my finger. Suddenly I lurched backward startled by the flutter of his eyes. The porcelain vase crashed to the floor damaging my forearm, blood tumbled down reaching my wrist . He took a sharp intake of breath, rose up and balanced his weight on one hand behind him.

"It hurts doesn't it? to get hurt like that, you really are useless." He captured my arm jerking it forward.

He attentively examined my wrist then scowled in distaste as his vision slide downwards.

"Furthermore, look at this, my clothes, they are stained with your blood. What will you do? Just because of this scent my mind is spinning and my throat is getting drier. "

I mirrored his gaze and identified a blotch of crimson blood that merged with his shirt. I caressed the blemish removing some of it. He yanked my hand to his lips sweeping them over my fingers sampling the exposed blood.

"My throat is so dry I can't help myself." He murmured softly.

I felt the tip of his fang make contact with my finger but pulled away out of panic.

"Such an annoying woman.The blood is spilled everywhere now, what a waste. Also, there is even some on my face."  He barked.

Yet his sour expression turned as if he had a brilliant idea. The edge of his lips curled and his eyes held mischief.

"Oy, lick the blood spills of my face."

"W..What!" I gasped.

"Clean it up with your tongue and then give that tongue to me. If you don't hurry up, the blood will get in to my eyes. Come, hurry up."

I panicked but complied as soon as his glare turn hostile. I planted my lips on his cheek and took the blood into my mouth. I almost gagged reflexively at its harsh metallic taste.

"Yes, make sure it is clean, come, more properly, it is your own blood right? Use your tongue properly, while you are doing that, more blood is spilling huh."

His gaze was once more fierce as he took my chin into his hand. For moment it was silent before the trill of a violin broke the atmosphere. He removed the last earbud from his ear.

"Do you wish for me to bite you? In the form of a kiss, I will drink the blood that is in your mouth."

He kissed me gently entwining his tongue with mine. He stopped shortly allowing me a breath of air, he separated our lips.

"Give me more, come, bring that bloody arm up to my lips, when I use my tongue to lick all up the blood on your arm, I wonder just what kind of feeling you will get. "

I complied once more feeling his lips caress the surface of my skin. I whimpered softly from both the pleasure and pain.

"Whatever, you seem like you are enjoying it. ah, my throat is getting moistened." He chucked pulling me closer by the waist.

I shut my eyes tightly trying to halt the wave of emotions that threaten to overwhelm me.

"Your face looks like you are crying when I am not even using my fangs. It is a face of getting all messed up. Deep inside that chest, you hope for something slutty like getting pierced by me deeply. I know all about it. That you like this sort of treatment. " He chuckled once more biting down.

Author Notes:

Hello! My charming Dialovers! Happy end of harvest season...or Happy Halloween! Yes I know this is early. I planned to write this now as I have incoming engagements that will keep me preoccupied all night and day on the 31...well until the season shifts. [By that I mean 1 in the morning.]  Moving on. I had plans for Laito fanfic and this one in terms of releases. When I release the 3rd chapter of this I will release the 3rd of Laito's in the next few day. Then 4th on Shuu's then 4th for Laito's and so forth.

see you...


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