4}~ The Bus Stop

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Joe's P.O.V.

Time skip

Of all the days it could have rained, of all the countries it could have rained in, in all the towns it could have rained in, it had to choose this one.


As I trudged down to the bus stop, I wondered what the others were doing. Well I knew what Netty was doing; she was skipping along behind me with Kat, complaining about the weather.

I shivered and a fixed the collar of my coat, so no more icy drops would slide down my back. The girls were lucky because Netty brought her umbrella. And me, being the idiot I am, never even bought one.

Headlights went zooming past on the wet road, the tyres of their cars splashing little jets of water behind them.

The fog had cleared only marginally since we left five minutes ago.

The cold wind blew through the mess that is my hair.

The rain hurt as it was beating down on my head.

And just to top things off, a particularly careless driver whizzed through a deep, dark puddle, sending its contents flying up and soaking me.

I shivered for the millionth time, when the bus stop came into view. Inside I did a little cheer, but outside I gave a big moan. The shelter was crowded, and there was no more room underneath, except for the corner. I knew from experience it wasn't a good idea to stand there, as that bit was leaky, and big, fat, wet drops would fall on your head if you did.

There was people with umbrellas in their hands, just standing underneath the shelter.

If you have an umbrella, maybe use it?

As I reached the shelter, I rolled up my sleeve to check my watch. It read: 8:19. Oh good, only two minutes to wait.

I heard a few squeals, and turned to see Netty and Kat jumping out from under the bus stop. I laughed to myself, as I knew they now had wet heads.

Then I heard another squeal. But this was one I didn't really recognise. A hand grabbed my wrist and spun me round, so I was face to face with someone I definitely didn't expect.

"JOE! What are you doing here?" The person giggled. At first I didn't recognise them through the the rain, but then it hit me on the head like a hammer.

"Amy! Salem! I didn't know you guys lived here!"

"I'm just starting uni here. I'm doing a dance and fitness course and Salem is doing a journalist reporter thingy. She's already done a year here."

"Cool! I'm doing Film Studies. I've been doing it for a year too."

"I wonder if anyone else is here!"

"I doubt that, Salem, but we can always dream!" Amy replied optimistically.

"Oh here's our bus. Coming Josephine?" We laughed and clambered onto the nearly empty bus, payed for our tickets and sat down together in a row of three seats. I hoisted our bags onto the shelf above our heads so we had room for our feet.

We started talking about how different we looked in real life, and Salem started to poke at me uncontrollable hair.

"It's so springy!" Amy remarked excitedly.

But then Netty and Kat decided to sit down in front of us. My sister turned around to face me and asked, "So Joe, you made some "friends"?"

"Annette, you remember Amy and Salem, don't you?" I hoped she did and I hoped she didn't, cause she had her own friends and didn't need any more. I'm not being selfish am I?

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