8}~ Its Boring

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Netty's P.O.V.

David and Tom left at the end of lunch, and after chatting to them in the café, we discovered that they lived in a little village near York, and came down here looking for a job. Though if they did get work at the harbour, they would need somewhere to stay, until they found their own place.

As Joe, Amy, Salem and I headed over to our locker room to exchange the right books for the unneeded, Joe pulled me aside to his locker in the corner, a sly, knowing look on his lean face.

"Joe, what are you doing?" I asked him nervously. He can be really odd sometimes.

"I think you have  an "interest" in one of our dear friends, Annette," he started, the devious glint in his eye unmistakable, "don't look so surprised, you know what I'm talking about."

"And what is that of your business, if I do or don't?" I replied, eyeing my brother carefully.

"I don't trust Tom, Netty."

"Ok.... so?"

"So," he continued, "don't go messing around with him, ok? He looks like a player and a cheat!"

"No he doesn't Joe. I don't need your advice on who and who not to get involved with. I also don't need you prying into my personal affairs." Then with that I swept away to my locker, which was next to my friend Holly's.

She greeted me with a "Hey!" then asked, "Where the hell were you at lunch?"

To which I replied, "With some other friends, Holly, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot, being the first week back and all."

She didn't look so convinced as we left the busy room and headed to our Law Terminology and Language Study class (I don't even know!). "Hey, listen, I'm sorry," I continued, "but my brother has this really hot friend, like I couldn't not go with them!"

"Really? You'll have to introduce us." she replied, now in complete belief of me.

"No way, I'm not letting you near him Holls, nuh uh," she sighed and shrugged her shoulders, turning into our lecturer's room.

Dr. Kyle, yes doctor  Kyle was our extremely boring teacher, with an extremely boring job. He had a PhD in Law Terminology and Language Study. What a great degree to do! He looked freakishly like Jeremy Kyle, so behind his back he was known as Jerry, though never, never to his face. Unless you wanted to write an essay about behaviour and respect to the more knowledgeable and renowned then you, you kept your mouth in line around Jerry.

Holly and I found our usual boring seats at the back of the boring room, getting our boring work out of our bags. The boring lecturer strode in with his boring air hung around his boring presence.

Yeah he was a boring person.

The lesson began, dragged on for a whole hour then ended. Boring.

I met Kat in the lockers. She still had another lesson to go to so I let her head on, before leaving the building and making my way down to the bus stop.

~~~Time Skip~~~ (lonely bus journeys are BORING. Heehee)

Somehow, when I arrived back to our apartment, Joe was already sitting in his trackies and hoody, scrolling aimlessly through his phone on the sofa.

"Hi," I said. dropping my bag next to the door as I locked it behind me.

No reply.

"I said hi!" I repeated, a bit louder this time.

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