How It Happened

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Soooo I've learn some things about dialogue and stuffs like that so yea...... bye lovely's

"That's what we're about to tell you" Sam said with an serious expression, I could tell what he was about to tell me was probably painful both emotionally and physically.
"Hey, if you really don't want to you don't have to" I said. I mean I would LOVE to know what's going on right now, but I don't want them to feel pushed or bring up any bad memories.
"No its fine we'd rather tell you than keep it a secret after what happened today... I mean we wouldn't go around telling people, you just.. Well you have this umm.. Trusting vibe about you" Taurtis said, Sam nodded in agreement.
"M'kay" I nodded (it's a thing I say XD)
"So when me and Taurtis were little, when we were 7-ish, my parents studied..." He paused for a second, he had an sad look on his face, and he went on again "They studied black magic, and Taurtis's parents.. Well the never got along so he stayed with me most of the time. So one day we were playing tag, and my dad was working on a 'Gender Flip' potion, well I was chasing Taurtis and he ran in to my dad, which made him spill it on us, and ever since we've had this uncontrollable power to change genders" he looked as if he was about to cry. I knew there had to be more to the story.
"I'm sorry if that brought up some really bad memories" I said softly
"No it's okay" he said "well my mom" he said that as if it hurt to think of her "She had made this medicine to prevent us from changing...." Tears rolled down his face. "Last year, my parents th-they where in a freak magic a-accident, killing them both and destroying the house, at this time I was with Taurtis jogging" he keep choking on his words. His eyes were red and filled with tears. Wow, he's been through a lot I wish I could comfort him or help, but how?
"I'm sorry bro...." I didn't know what to say. I felt like I was going to cry. I didn't even knows that black magic existed, how I am any help. But why did they kiss? "I'm sorry, but why did you kiss earlier then?" I blurted out.
This time Taurtis explained "Because it keeps us from changing, and it last longer" he said in a matter-of-fact tone
"Why? And how did know that is would work?"I asked
"Why, I don't know, how did we know was because we saw it in a spell book" he said casually, which I found odd. Ohhhh so then that girl was Sam?
"So that girl was Sam?"
"Yea, Sam can't control his "split personal" as much as I can, that's why he isn't as awesome as me" he said with a huge smile and Sam punched him on his arm. "What was that for?!" He asked him
"Because I can.... And I'm awesome" (lol Samsassalator XD) he said with a smile. lol I'm glad to see a smile on there faces again.

ლ(́ ౪ ‵ლ)(^_・)
Hey lovely's sorry for the for ever long wait for the update and it being short I've been grounded and stuffed like writers block has happen and a school thing has be going one plus I've been sick lol blah well see ya later lovely's bye

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