1: Being a Cinderella (It's not a Fairytale, you know!)

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“Ugh…” I had a blooming headache and from what I could feel, a lump the size of Texas was forming on my forehead.

Where was I anyway? This was most definitely not my bedroom. It was ten times the size of mine and much more lavish. I quickly sat up and tried to look around, but my head started spinning and white dots formed in front of my eyes. Where was I and why?

You’ll probably want to know who I am and why I’m in such a bitchy temper. I’m Elizabeth Parkers. But call me Lisa or Liz. I’m a small town girl, living in Kansas. My family’s not very well off. Oh, who am I kidding? We’re poor. Both my parents work. As in really work.vmy family runs a bait shop, more like my dad does. My mom works in an office, but not in a high post so she gets minimal salary.

We live in the poor areas and trust me, the sight is not pretty. My parents work really hard and get out really early and come home really late. So it’s kinda like I have the whole house to myself. It’s really amazing, how a house can get so depressing when you feel like you’re the only one living there. So I don’t.  I live my life n the streets. I know every nook and crevice of Kansas City. I have a group of friends. Everything ranging from jocks to emos to Goths to normal gangsters to plain nerds. It’s a really weird bunch. And I love every one of them. We have a special club, where we hang out along with the rest of our school. We even have a band, and I can tell that people enjoy listening to us as much as we enjoy playing. But that doesn’t explain why I’m here. I sighed. “Okay, Liz. Try to concentrate.” I tried to focus my mind on the events leading up to my current position. And slowly, the story unfurled.

I was relaxing with my friends when the text which totally changed my life, came. Like I told you, my parents are never home. So you can imagine my surprise when I got a text from my mom telling me to get home as soon as possible. I called her, surprised. “Mom, what are you saying, you’re never home and I don’t like staying in empty places. You know it gives me the creeps.”

“No, honey we’re home. We have something to say, so just come home now, will you?” my mom replied, sounding agitated. “Um…sure?” I replied trying to sound confident instead of confused. It came out sounding like a question.

“’Kay guys, my folks called and I have to go home, so see ya’ll tomorrow?”

A chorus of “Bye, Liz”es followed me as I sped to my home on my skateboard. Saying I was curious would be an understatement. My parents were never home so soon, unless it was important. I mean, it was only six o’clock. But to tell you the truth, I was definitely not prepared for the bombshell that my parents dropped. There was only one word I could manage “What?”

Again my mom said the words “You’re getting married.”

So simple, those three words, yet, so devastating. I was not even eighteen yet. I used this point to my advantage. “Mom, I’m not even eighteen yet, how can I get married?”

“You’re not getting married now. The wedding is after 4 months. Two months after you can legally marry and 3 weeks after you graduate.” said her father, his face showing no emotion, for the first time in his life. I felt drained. “Care to explain why I have to get married to a complete stranger?” I said, a little too harshly than I expected.

My parents cringed, but explained anyway. My mother started

“Honey, you know your parental grandparents were billionaires, right? And I was the daughter of their gardener. I was there every day, looking after the bushes, and when we first saw each other, your father and I, it was love at first sight. And our problems didn’t end there. The whole family was against this relationship, but your father stood beside me and accepted his love for me. And that’s what did it. His parents decided to accept his love and me into the family. Then, they dropped a bombshell. The company of your father’s had been going into losses and was facing the threat of bankruptcy. So, your father and I, we approached his old friend, Mr. Darwin, and he gave us the required sum to save the company. And we were just about to see how we were going to repay the sum when he told us that he would not want us to repay the debt in money…”

“Wait, if you don’t repay debts in money, what do you repay them in? And Darwin? You took a loan from a dead man?” I asked skeptically.

“Honey, let me finish!” Mom said, a bit indignantly. “At that time, everyone knew that I was pregnant, and that I would be having a daughter, you. So Mr. Darwin said that, when you grow of age, you will have to marry his son, or we shall have to repay 15 billion dollars. Now, darling, we can’t repay 15 billion dollars, and they are coming to take you the day after tomorrow. So I suggest you start packing. I know that it’s short notice, but please. If you don’t go willingly, he will come here and take you by force, along with everything we own. And we won’t even get to see you if that happens. At least try to see our point of this matter. Wouldn’t it be better, if you just agree, and go? We’ll try our best to gather as much money as we can, and when we repay it, you can come back home, we’ll just have a divorce, if you do get married.” Mom had unshed tears glistening in her eyes.

And whatever hurtful remark, I was about to say, died in my throat. Damn my parents! I couldn’t say anything when they put it like that. “Okay.” I sighed resignedly “I’ll go pack. But, I still don't know why I should be the one marrying the dead person.” But I was most definitely, not going down without a fight.

And the next day, it passed in a blur. All I remember is a street, feet pounding, a baseball bat and then, darkness. I was broken out of my reverie by a young girl in her early twenties who slid open the door. “Miss, we are here. You should get going; we wouldn’t want you to be late.”

“Thanks…Anna”, I said, looking towards her nametag as I passed by. I turned around to see her looking shocked. I rolled my eyes. I knew rich people were snobs, but couldn’t they at least thank their servants? I looked around. “Whoa.” The area was huge. I’m guessing it’s a private jet, considering the space. And man, it was luxurious. These people sure are billionaires. “Madam, we’re here.” She figured that they were talking to her, but ignored them anyway. That was until someone tapped her on the shoulder and said “Miss, the plain has landed. You should get going if you do not want to be late. And I exited to see a HUGE mansion all by itself in a HUGE compound.

I remembered something that my mother said just as I was packing. “Look at the bright side of this, Liz. You’re turning into a Cinderella, from pauper to princess!”

And I had only one thought as I entered the palace. This girl sure as hell ain’t gonna be groveling at your feet. A Cinderella, huh? I’m gonna be honest with you, I don’t know whether to feel like a Cinderella or a slut and it sure as hell wasn’t my fault I got into this mess.


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