3: Another New Family Member?

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Elizabeth Parkers’ POV~

I left Jeffrey Darwin standing and marched out of the room. I felt him staring at me, shocked and a thrill of self satisfaction passed through me. I let Anna guide me through this HUGE house and finally she opened a door. I walked inside and I swear, my jaw would’ve fallen to the ground if it wasn’t attached to my head. The room was beautiful! Not to mention HUGE!(Mental note to myself: that’s staring to grow old. The whole area, every inch of it is beautiful, not to mention, huge!) The walls were a lovely, lavender color, the windows were pale blue. It had coffee-brown furniture and the ceiling was painted to look like the night sky. The attached bathroom had lavender and blue tiles arranged diagonally. There was a bathtub and (I’m not kidding) waterproof speakers and stereo. I was gonna live like a princess.

“Do you like the room, miss?” asked Anna, breaking into my inspection.

“I absolutely love it!” I said grinning like a mad person. Then I frowned and said “Um…Anna? Call me Liz, won’t you? After all, if I’m gonna live here, might as well get comfy.”

I could tell that Anna had never been asked to treat someone so informally before. She looked shocked at first, then her face slowly stretched into a smile and I knew it was one of gratitude. She didn’t need to say anything, her smile said it for her.  “Com’n Liz”, she said. “Get a shower. Dinner’ll be ready in 45 minutes. Don’t be late will you?”

I nodded and she left. I decided to do as she said. I set the water and while the tub filled up, I stripped off feeling sorta dirty. 20 minutes later, I was standing in my towel, an open suitcase in front of me, wondering what to wear. I decided to opt for a pair for a pair of jeans and a blue tank top. I don’t have anyone to impress was my thought as I shrugged it on. I sauntered downstairs to the dining room to see Mr. Darwin and Jeffery already sitting down. I sat in the seat just beside Mr. Darwin and he immediately turned to me and started to make conversation. “So, Liz, how’s your first day here? Liking what you see?”

“Sure. You all are so friendly. And I absolutely love my room. It’s so beautiful! And the gardens here are so gorgeous. Not to mention, huge. Okay, that huge part is starting to grow old and a bit annoying.” I replied, mumbling the last part.

“What?” asked Jeffery, “Didn’t catch the last part.”

I smiled sweetly at him. “I just said that, ‘I can’t believe, I’m dining with a dickhead across from me’. I mean, everything has a first. I guess this is mine.”

Mr. Darwin guffawed loudly. “Anything pleasing you, Mr. Darwin?” I asked teasingly. “Oh wait, I just made a person laugh! I’m so good!” I squealed, pretending to jump up and down on my chair.

Mr. Darwin let out another guffaw before answering. “Oh, please darling, call me Dad. You do have to get used to it, and you have a wonderful sense of humor.”

Dinner arrived. I was absolutely starving. I quickly piled food to my plate and started shoveling it into my mouth. I felt someone staring at me and looked across me to see Jeffery staring at me in amazement. “Is it your hobby to stare at people eating?” I enquired, a hidden threat behind my polite words.

“No, it’s just you.” He replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

“ Wow, and that makes me feel so special.” I said, sarcasm dripping from my words. This earned me another dry chuckle from Charles.

The rest of the dinner passed in silence. I suddenly began to feel very sleepy. So I said goodnight to Charles and ignoring Jeffrey, flounced out of the room. The last thing I heard before shutting the door was a chuckle and someone saying “I like her.”

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