Step Ten: Good & Evil

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I'm just going to jump right into this topic because it is the one I am the MOST PASSIONATE about!


In every story there has to be an antagonist and a protagonist that bump heads and fight. It's the way it works. All good books and fan fictions alike have them!


The protagonist is usually Reader but it doesn't have to be. Reader is the main character and usually the person all conflicts evolve and start around. He/she is the person who the antagonists want most of the time.

So the protagonist is hardly ever the part in the story where people start to get confused and mess up, the part where they mess up is the next part.

The antagonist

DUn DuN DUN...!!!


I HATE when people do this! It drives me CRAZY and PISSES me off so much that I can not describe it in human words!

When people make Russia the villain or Antagonist!


Russia is insane I'll give you that but he isn't always evil! And I can't stand when people make him he villain!

Oh and another character: Prussia.

When people make HIM the villain it drives me nuts!

Hima has stated that Prussia has a soft side and isn't always a jerk and an asshole so why make him one?!

*sigh* now that that's off my chest...


• Making Russia or Prussia the villain. Don't do it you sick bastards...

• Stereotypical villains. Like if read is abused: don't make the antagonist the crazed drunk uncle or father! Be more creative!

• The 2ps. You can use them as villains but have them care a little! They aren't just cold, ruthless killers all the time! They have lives and hobbies and don't just go out killing people all day! Geez... (If you can't tell that's another thing that makes me want to go on a killing spree)

• Making the villain any 1p Hetalia character without good reason! They have to either be dark!Hetalia yandere!Hetalia or just insane!Hetalia okay?! The normal countries wouldn't go out and kill with out a strong motive!


Again I'm always open to talk just DM me of write a message on my board I'll get it!

That's really all just don't do anything under the "things to avoid" category and you'll be fine!

xoxo my lovelies~!

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