Step Twelve: Getting Your Story Out There!!

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So this is a request! Many people asked me things like "how did you become so popular?" Or "how did you get all those reads?"

My response to that is simply: I really have no idea. I'm serious. I never asked popular authors in here if they would check out my work, or even do my own advertising. I can only assume that some things helped:

- Hashtags. Don't be lenient on the hashtags gurl! They might seem like a pain, but they really help. Always tag your X readers as such. Use as many as you can because they are useful. Whenever someone goes up the the search bar and types in: "Hetalia X reader" or "Hetalia X reader oneshots" or something along those lines, everything with those hashtags pop up! That's a great way to get your story out there!

- The cover. After the hashtags, covers are very important. Did you know that the only thing that will make readers click on your story is the cover. And once they click on it, the description is what makes or breaks it.

- Normalities. As always, grammar and spelling is a must. You can have a great story, but it's nothing if the spelling/grammar is lacking. That might sound mean but it's the truth.

If I think of anymore, I'll add them but I think that's it!! Let the writing speak for itself. If it's good, then the readers will determine that.

Xoxo until later my lovelies!!

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