Step Eleven: How Long Should My Book Be?

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This is one of the most asked questions. And since it's a very simple answer, this will be short.

So let's go!


I guess it's sorta up to you. And by "sorta" I mean that's it is your decision but yet at the same time, it isn't. Let me explain:

So you have the ultimate power as the author to end your story how ever you wish; this of course means one book, or even a sequel. But it is also not up to you because sometimes, people will just demand a sequel or your writing will call for it!

And that's totally okay!

Your book should entirely be as long as you wish or as long as your writing thus far has taken it! But don't over work the idea into a sequel unless:

There are loose ends: Say you write something and you accidentally (or on purpose) leave certain things unknown. Such as: the villain escaped, the reader remembers something or has a dark thought... Etc. things that call for a sequel!

Readers Demand: As stated: Sometimes readers will want a sequel and if you feel comfortable go ahead and write it!

Always make sure you enjoy what you're writing about! If you don't like it, don't continue. Readers will understand!


So that's it! Sorry this is short! As always, if you need help I'm always available for you!

HASTA LA PASTA and good luck my lovelies~!

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