Chapter 43

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Hey blood thirsty readers another update *Cheers* guess what I'M WEARING GLASSES!!!! Yeah whatever call me nerd four eyes name it!.Anyway,this story will come to an end. >.< T_T.Someone give me a hug please!!!

*Subaru came over and hug the author*


Subaru:*Hugs the author tighter*Y-You had another book anyway a-and *blushes* you look cute on glasses.


H I K A R I ' S P . O . V

"Tsk!Don't you dare to get out that cage,If I were you"Yuma said and throwed me in the cage along with Yui who landed on her butt.

"Yuma,you don't have to do this!"I plead while clenching the metal bars.

"Your honey potting's not gonna work on me."He smirked and popped a sugar cube on his mouth.

"Hikari..."Yui place her hand on my shoulder.I look at her,she pursed her lips,as if she's resisting her tears to fall.

She look....hopeless.

I look back at Yuma who had a bored expression on his face.

"Yuma,listen.I-I'm begging you.Set us free!Can't you see what Lady Mukami had been planning for?"He just yawn.I gritted my teeth.

He glare at me."I don't have any doubts of her plans,she's our second mother afterall."He popped another sugar cube on his mouth.

I sighed and sat beside Yui."We can escape this hell Yui,I promise."I hugged my knees towards my chest.

"Hey Yuma!"I called.

He came near the cage and squat."What now?"he said irritated.

"After Ruki's 'WEDDING' finished what thus Yui's use in the scene?will you set her free?"


"What did you say!!!"I bolted towards his direction and grab his necktie.

His bored expression changed into a amused one."She will be dead before that."

"What!?"Yui bursted into tears.

I let go of Yuma's necktie and sat beside her and comfort her.

Yuma yawned."There's nothing fun founf in this place."and walked out

"Yui,don't take what he said seriously"I lied while patting her back.

"I-I won't....reach...the school dance next week."She said between sobs.

"No,you will."I lied again,I don't have any words to say yet I embrace her.

"I'm sorry.."I whispered then bursted into tears.I looked up the window and saw a small owl entered and landed on my lap.I furrowed my eyebrows then found the letter on it's feet.

I untie the owl with the letter and it flew back outside.

I opened the letter and based from the handwriting I know where it came from.

Hikari,wait for us.we're on our way.

For a letter it is quite comprimising.It raised my hopes up.

I showed Yui the letter and she cried in happiness.

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