Childhood Tragedy

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She said as she let go of her grasp on your body as you run through the building untill you were trapped by the OB's grunt.

Grunt:"Oh well..well..well what do we have here a little cutie, eh man?"
One of the grunt said to the other.

Grunt 2:"Yea she is man, eh! Why don't we take her to the boss?"
The other grunt said as your sadness fulled up making you to realease a high pitched screaming.

Grunt:"Agghhh...fuck it man, let's just get out of here!"
The grunt said as it pulled the other one as they leaving you alone, you didn't realize that their curcuit were fucked up because of your high pitched scream and their screen were crack.

After you scream at loudly you stopped and hold your throat not because it's hurt or somethin but it's felt like you just got a power..YOUR power.

You smiled and hugged yourself but immediatlly confused where should you go but ended up walking through the building and go to your aunt's house by walking.

Your just a 11 year old girl who lived in a fucked up town that full with mafia that guarded by the OB's grunt..

In that town, every kids have to get an injection;a power liquid injection so they can't be harm and can protect theirself.

You walk through the building and see your aunt's apartment.

You go to the apartment and opened the door as you go to your aunt's room.

You got up the elevator and go to your aunt room and knock.

*knock knock*

After you knocked the door opened and you looked at your aunt.

She's a hitman or hitwomen, i dunno. But her work is to kill someone if she's paid but she's retired.

"Hey, aunt claire!"
You smiled as you looked at your aunt.

Aunt claire:"Well hello there sweetie, what brings you here?"

Your expression changed as you mentioned about your mother who was killed by the grunts because she hadn't paid the taxes.

Aunt Claire:"Owhh..She had it coming ,huh? Well come in then sweetie, i'll make us some warm cocoa with marshmallow!"
She said cheerfully trying to brighten up the situation.

You squeak as if you were just a dog toy and get into the house.

After you entered the house you grab some blanket and covered it around your body..

Afterawhile your aunt got back to the room and brought a cocoa marhsmallow.

Aunt Claire:"Here sweetie, drink this so your body can warmed up..."
She said with a smile on her face..

"Thank you auntie, it's delicious.."
You said as you take a sip.

Your aunt, is the bestest person beside your parent..
She always take good care of you.You loved her as if she's your second mother.

And your a beautiful girl who just found her power.

You pull up your hand and looked at it for a while and sighed heavily making your aunt attention go straight to you.

Aunt claire:"What's wrong sweetie?"
She said as she looked at you with a worried look on her face.

You said as you smiled a bit so aunt claire don't have to worried about anything.

Aunt claire:"I should lived with me now sweetie..and don't worry i'll keep you safe and sound"
She said as she sipped her cocoa and hugged you to a warm embrace.


Aunt Claire:"SWEETIE!! WAKE UP!"
She said with a worried look on her face.

"W-what's wrong auntie?!"
You said as you looked at your aunt who were looking pretty scared at the moment.

Aunt Claire:""
She said as she points outside the window making you look outside and see a man with a yellow button up and a dress pant who have a hooked suspender and a fancy shoes and his hair were pinned back to a rat tail,his hair were coloured dark purple making you curious why...and he have some other robots with him.

Aunt claire:"(y/n), sweetie focus!they are here searching for all the kids who have power and your one of them..please hide! Or they'll catch you.."
She said as she shakes you pretty hard almost makes you fell..

"No..i'll fight themm..and they wo-"
Your sentence were cut as the front door of your aunt's apartment room banged.

???:"Excuse me! Anyone lived here???"
The voice were pretty raspy and pretty polite even tho they planned to do something bad.

Aunt Claire:"Hide!"
She whispered as she pushed you to a closet nearby and plus you can peak through the closet door.

Aunt claire:"Umm..ahaha..hello there, what can i help you with gentleman?"
She said formally as the man came in with the robots.

???:"We're searching for YOUR girl, claire."
He said as he knew's your aunt's name.

Aunt claire:"Ahahaha...w-what are you talkin about vendetta, you know i never have a child.."

Vendetta:"Don't try to fool me, i got all the list of kids who lived here claire!"
He shouted a bit and grasp aunt claire collar shirt and lift her a bit, making you triggered at the action and make you to came out of the closet as you punch him in the cheek, making it to bleed.

He backed up as the robots tried to hold you and sucessfully did it and hold you as vendetta examine you.

Vendetta:"I knew it..."
He said as he smirked and give the robot a sign to take you out, to the brown's manor.

Aunt claire:"NO!..(y/n)!! NOOO!!! Vendetta you can't do that..!!"
she said as she dropped to the floor on her knees and cried a bit.

Vendetta:"Yes..i. can."
He said as he followed the robots and brought you to the brown's sanctuary for all kids who have power and taken care there for a long time untill they can really control their power.

You got captured and brought to a strange sanctuary..the sanctuary were big and pretty much look like a cage for pterodactyl on jurassic world,the one that look like a green house but bigger.

You looked around in confused but yet in amezement.

You look around and see many girl and boys doing some activities and they have the same electric bracelet on their ankle.

As you looked around in amazement, you felt some iron cold on your feet and see a same electric bracelet like all of the other kids use..

Robot:"get in there!"
It said so and pushed you and the new arrival full inside the sanctuary.

Vendetta walks in infront of you and clear his throat to get your guys attention.

Vendetta:"I welcome you kids on the BROWN'S SANCTUARY.."
he said

"*sigh* new place,eh?"
You said yo yourself and follow vendetta who was showing around the sanctuary.

Pollar here, and here's my first chapter on my first book "hitman,Myman" hope ya guys enjoy the furst one..

Pollar:"they have too.."

Andin:"husss..shut up pollar"


And i'll see ye guys in the next chapter! Ciao~

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