Bullying isn't allowed

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Lite:"Okay..i think we have enough lesson for today and now let's have a meal on the cafetaria.."
She said as she put her beast on her head.

'It's going to be a long day, huh?'
You sighed and followed her.

And so it continued___________________________________

Lite:"Okay..i think we have enough lesson for today and now let's have a meal on the cafetaria.."
She said as she put her beast on her head.

'It's going to be a long day, huh?'
You sighed and followed her.

You guys go to the cafetaria and you sit together with pollar as lite, vince, vendetta, and jasper sit a bit far away from your spot.

You eat some spagheti and a meatball, and juice.

You guys talked to each other as you guys eat lunch together but suddenly a girl with horn went to you with a girl that have a cow tail and the other one with a cat paws.it was krista (horn one),Helia (Cow tail), and brenda (Cat paw)

Krista:"Well...well..well..isn't it the normal freak.."


"I think you missing the 'freak' part krista.."

Brenda:"Hey! No One talk to krista like that you shitty fucker."
She said as she charged her fist trying to hit you but you dodge it and kick her face with your knee.

Meanwhile helia trying to punch you from the back but pollar hold her tail and throw her as she smashed thtough the wall..

Pollar:"nobody..i said NOBODY TOUCH MY BEST FRIEND!"
She said as she suddenly charged at krista and swayed her hair a bit as it shown her eyes.

Krista stares at her eyes as her soul slowly taken.

Lite looked a bit shocked, and tried to stop you guys but can't cause she was hold back by vendetta as he shooked his head.

But lite forcefully get rid of his arm and got to you guys.

Lite:"Now..let's go to the detention room for you and you.."
She said as she grabbed helia and brenda on the collar shirt as she dragged them to the detention room.

Pollar look at krista dead body and immediatly eat it corpse making almost all of the kids there gasped as they surprised seeing that.


Lite:"Well, you know right pollar isn't just an angel?"


Lite:"She's an outcast one.."

Vendetta:"Should we put her on a Detention or somethin?"

Lite:"Naahh...it wasn't her fault that the bully tried to fuck with an outcast angel friend..."
She said as she dragged the bully that mostly still alive.

"Ughh..pollar..is that even necesarry?"

Pollar:"Yea..cuz no one touch my besties.."
She said as she go back eating her spaghetti.

(Y/n) POV:
God, that was scary.Not the one when krista tried to punch me but with the pollar one.

What's up with her? Why is she so overproctective with me being bullied? I can do it without her help.

I hufted as i continue to eat while pollar clean up after herself.

She got back from the bathroom and sit next to me again.

A single word came out of her mouth as my gaze shifted to her direction.

"For what?"

Pollar:"for being a monster..infront of you.."
She said as she eats her food and lower her head.

"N-no problem, pollar.basically we all here are a monster "
I said nervously as she slightly lower her head.

She sigh heavily as she put her head back the way it is and smile.

H-her smile is so sweet..

But yet so dangerous..

I smiled back as she return to her eating and so do i.

As i eat i felt some gaze upon me, it making me felt weird. Why do i have to friends with her..

No! She's my TRUE friend, no one ever except me like her..i said to myself as i looked around and see vendetta, lite, and vince talking.

Vendetta, he look pretty nice for a bastard like him. He does have the good look and he do have some sick fighting skill.

But i don't know about how caring he is because he has been such a stoner too me..jeez what's that boy problem.

I continue to eat as i mumble angrily making pollar's attention directed to me.

Pollar:"What's wrong? Something matter?"
She said as she look at me.

"N-no..everythin fine.."
I said as she nodded as a respond and let me alone once again in my sicko mind.

Then a boy sit infront of us with his eyes close.

"Umm..excuse me?"
I said as the boy's eyes open and showing that he only have one eye.

Holy shit his a cutie but im not intrestin in him.

???:"Hey! Pollar, who's this?"
He said as he point at me and looked at pollar.

Pollar:"It's my friend,pin. Pin,(y/n)(y/n), Pin.."
She said as the boy smiled.

Pin:"Nice to meet you mate!.."
He said as he smiled.

"Y-you too.."
I said as i smiled back.

Pollar face was patterned with heart shaped and she's looking very nervous.

"Umm..pollar, you aight? You look a bit "hearty".."
I said as she immediatly grasp my wrist.

Pollar:"Excuse me and her,pin. We're going to the bathroom for a minute.."
She said as she immediatly dragged me out of the cafetaria to the bathroom.

"Huh- what's wrong with you!?"
I yelled silently.

Pollar:"i-i think..he's making me love him.."

"What do you mean by that?"

Pollar:"Well..if you know it that i show my expression differently and i show my expression of blushing and loving by showing the patterns of a heart shaped.."

Umm..that's kinda weird..

"Wow...umm..cool and btw can we go to the cafetaria now? I'm still hungry.."

She responded as we go back to the cafetaria.

The boy who name pin was silently eating his meal and pollar was making a mess because of her "expression"

I sighed heavily and continue to eat as the clock turns and it's time for training again..

Wassup! Andin here and here's an update *throw the update at chu..* hope you enjoy btw no comment im tired and btw i'll see you guys in another chapter! Ciao~

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