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Dr.d: so I have the winners! But some parents don't know about how it's a boarding school!
Chris: so!
Don: just tell there parents if they don't agree do a runner up!
Dr.d: ok!
At Maddies house!
Maddie: hey abbey it's been 6 days so tonight they say the lucky winners!on the phone
Abbey:I know!
Maddie: call the girls, sleepover at my house! Bye! Hung up!
Dad: MADDIE!!!!! Get your butt down here RIGHT NOW!
Maddie: uh what's wrong dad?
Dad: this man is here to send you to California!
Maddie: ohhhhhhhhh......that.
Dad: yes that! You can't go there without parent permission!
Maddie: mom said I could.
Mom: I didn't know it was a boarding school!
Maddie: guys please! I can take both Andrie and abbey with me!
Mom: but what about their parents.
Dr.d: well they would probably not approve no matter how good of an education and social place they will be at!
Mom: hmmmmmm......
Mady: oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Does the puppy dog eyes and the quivering lip!
One hour later
Mom: fine!
Dad: uh fine.
Maddie: yes!
Dad: but you have to bring Andrie!
Maddie/me: deal!
Dr.d: and who will you bring with you?
Me: my best friend abbey johnertet and my little sis andrie!
Dr.d: ok you and the other winners will be called tonight!
Me: yes!
Abbey,Jenny,and Chloe: you won!
Dr.d: yes she did! Hey your the last contest winner Jenny cabuedra!
Jenny: I-i am!
Dr.d: yup! Well bye! I'll pick you all up tomorrow at 3!
Me: we need to pack get ready sleep and tomorrow say goodbye to all our friends!
Jenny: but we're all going!
Me: oh right!
Later that night!
The winners are!......,Merida galpaker, Danae maretdfew, conner kerbieled, Jacob fergersitn,John kuldip,Maddison Nikki bargened,Corey neppenn, alananh riffinth,Eric yerituk, and jenny cabuedra,See you and your guest there!
Me: woo! I wonder who I'll be roomed with!
Jenny: I hope we all be in the same room!
Chloe:yeah! Can't wait for tomorrow!
Andrie and andy: for what?
Mady: oh hey guys guess what! We're all gonna go to a boarding school in California!
Andrie: awesome!
Andy: cool!
Andrie and andy: uh whats California? And are we all now living together?
Everyone: no! Starts laughing like crazy!
???: enjoy your happiness now while you still can!
Mady: huh? is the only one who heard that.
Boom another chapter done! Woo! Well tune in next time! That's a  hint!

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