Chapter 14: The Dial Tone

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I opened the note and read it over and over again. It had to be a mobile number, but there was just one digit missing. I read it over, looking for a faded digit but saw nothing. This was Justin's number, and I had to find the missing digit. I started writing down all the possible digits, hoping one of these had to be right!

My life just went from good to great and it couldn't get anymore amazing. My heart was beating a million miles an hour and my head was spinning with thoughts. I just wanted to know why. Why was I chosen as OLLG, and why was I lucky enough to meet him a second time? Why did Justin Bieber, the boy I've been obsessing with over the last 5 years give me, a worthless 16 year old nobody, his number? Why?

"Caitlyn, it's time for tea!", called mum from the kitchen. I quickly scribbled down the last few digits in my notebook and raced down to the dining table. Mum was part Italian, so dinner at our house was always made from scratch. Fast-food was not an option. Once again, mum had cooked up a feast. Pasta, meatballs, garlic bread, rice and chicken sat at the end of the table and ice-cream was waiting in the freezer. I took my regular spot at the table and started nibbling on the meatballs.

It was just me, mum and Damien here at home. Dad left us as soon as Damien, my brother, was born. I don't know why he left Mum. I guess dad was the dumb one, the brawn of the family. Mum's always been very smart, working hard to get what she wants. Luckily, she has a reasonable job as a nurse and although she's away from home a lot, she earns the money we need to keep our family going. Ever since I was a young, my Nonna has spoilt me rotten, but one thing I'll never stop thanking her for is the bank account she set up for me when I was only four. Ever since then, she has been putting in $5 a week. There is so much money waiting for me at the bank. I could buy my own house and car if I wanted to! But, I'm only sixteen and I don't have access to the account until I'm eighteen, so looks like I have to wait a few years. 

I looked down at my empty plate and picked it up, taking it to the bin and scraping off the scraps. I shoved it into the dishwasher and quickly raced up the stairs. I had to try those numbers! I picked up the phone and poked in the numbers before thumbing the call button and waiting for the dial. This could be the call, the call where Justin Bieber is on the line. 

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