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After some time, I was still reeling over the loss of Elijah, but things were getting better with time. I spent lots of time alone, whether it was me crying, praying, and thinking. Feeling like a part of me was missing? It would always be there, but in my heart I knew that he was still with me.

Eric had convinced me to get out of the house today. I didn't know where we were going, but I decided that it was time for me to get some air anyways. It had been forever since I'd gotten out the house.

Eazy peeked his head into the room and I looked over at him with a smile. He walks over to me and takes me into his arms, rubbing my back. I laid my head in his shoulder, taking much comfort in his presence.

Throughout it all, he had been super supportive. When he wasn't working, he was here with me. Through my tears, my anger, my constant sadness. We got through it together.

"It's so good to see you smile after all this time." He says kissing my forehead.

I lifted my head from his shoulder and pecked his lips. He kissed me again and pulled back. "You ready to go? I got a surprise for you."

I looked taken back. I wonder what surprise this man had for me. "And what might that be?"

I grabbed my purse from the bed and walked out the room. He was right behind me. We exited the house and walked to my car before getting in.
About twenty minutes later we pulled up to an unfamiliar building in L.A. I looked over at Eric and he leaned over, looking at it then me. He motioned for me to get out before he stepped out. I stepped out the car and shut the door behind me.

He grabbed my hand in his and we walked into the double glass doors that led into the decorated space. It was decorated beautifully and coincidentally had everything that I visioned for my own. There were areas designated for hair, pedicures, manicures, and more.

"So what you think baby?" Eazy asked.

I walked around the space and turned around. "I love it. It's beautiful." I say running my hands over the marble countertop.

For some time, I'd been dreaming of having my own shop someday. I'd been working so hard to save up and gain experience at my recent job, hoping to someday have that dream come true.

"But I don't think I can afford this Eric." I started. "We have the new house, how could we afford this shop?" I asked.

"The album did really well this year, better than we thought it would. Your dreams matter just as much as mines." Eazy says walking over to the window.

He pulled the paper off, revealing a sign that read "Jada's" on the front window on the building.

"Surprise!" I heard from behind me. I turned around and everyone came running from the back of the shop. Kim ran over to me and pulled me into her arms. We cheered happily, jumping together. I couldn't believe Eric had done this. The joy I felt right now couldn't be measured whatsoever.

"You deserve it. Congratulations Jay." Yella said pulling me into a hug.

The guys crowded around me, showing me so much love and support. This was one of the best days I'd had in what felt like forever.

"That ain't all." I heard Eric say.

I turned around and Eazy was in front of me, on one knee. My heart began to beat faster as I walked over to him. He took my hand in his and looked at me with those brown eyes I loved so much. I swallowed the lump in my throat, nervously.

"Jada, I love you so much. I'm grateful you stayed with me and loved me despite all the bullshit I put you through. You loved and accepted who I was before all of this." He says, obviously nervous. "Will you marry me Jay? Again?" He asked opening the box, revealing a beautiful but simple diamond ring.

I took a deep breath and couldn't seem to get any words out. I nodded my head yes as a tear fell down my cheek. He got up from the floor and I pulled him into a kiss. Afterwards, he slips the ring in my finger and pulls me in for another kiss.


Jada and I were currently at the third bridal shop today. After searching for weeks, we still hadn't gotten anywhere. I didn't mind thought, I knew that Jay wanted everything to be perfect for their up and coming ceremony. Besides, the bride's dress was such an important part of the wedding.

"Jay can you come out? I'm sure you look beautiful as always." I said standing outside of the dressing room.

The door opened and she walked out, seemingly unhappy with the gown she was donning. I didn't blame her, because it was indeed hideous. This was the millionth dressed she'd tried in today and nothing seemed suitable enough.

She steps into the platform and lets the dress fall. Jada shook her head, looking over it in the mirror.

"This isn't the one Kim." Jada says frowning. "It feels like I will never find anything."

"We'll just keep looking." I said motioning for the salesperson to come over. I informed her that we wouldn't be purchasing anything today after all.

Jada got out of the dress and back into her clothes. We left the bridal shop and decided to stop for some lunch. After running errands all day, we needed a break to just sit down and eat.

"I can't believe you're getting married! I'm so excited for this wedding." I said.

Jada smiles. "You know he caught me completely by surprise. I guess Eric is serious this time about getting his shit together." She says looking over at me then back out the window.

"Well you two are in a good place right now. Right? I think that definitely means something." I said pulling up to the cafe.

After putting my car into park, I shut the engine off and got out. Jada and I continued our conversation as we walked into the cafe.


"Man this shit choking the hell outta me." I heard Cube say from outside of my dressing room.

I slipped into my suit jacket and walked out of the dressing room. I looked myself over in the mirror, straightening myself out. I wasn't too keen on wearing this tux, but whatever made Jay happy.

Yella walked out the dressing room and over to where Ren and Cube were standing. The tailor began working on my suit.

"Man who thought E would be the one to settle down seriously? And the first one at that?" Dre asked.

"You really think you ready to let go of all the hoes E?" Ren asks looking at me. "Bitches be throwing pussy like crazy and I ain't never known you to turn down pussy." He shrugs.

"Look man, I love Jay. And I want her to be my wife. I ain't never felt this way about no other woman before." I said. "Despite whatever I did, I love that woman beyond measure."

"I'm glad you serious about all this E. Jay loves you." Cube says.

"Besides, I ain't wearing this hot ass suit for nothing." Yella laughed, making us all laugh.

I knew I had fucked up a lot in the past, but I wanted to do right by Jada. She was like a part of me, I just didn't feel complete without her. I loved her. All them other bitches meant nothing to me. Jada was the one who had my heart.

California Love (Eazy-E x Jada Pinkett) (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now