162 My Mom

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162. So me and my mom were sitting in the living room, watching our dramas (she isn't into kpop .-.) when we were done, I put on EXO's MV's, when I any of the members, I would be like,"I LOVE HIMMMMMMMMM" and then she would give me this death look and then,

"Yeah, WAT so special bout dem? they all look the same, why do they have make up? that one looks like a girl, what are they even wearing? why are they wearing make up? this is kpop? you were telling me to buy to this /gives death glare/ So they are speaking Chinese? why are they wearing make up? Do you understand what they are saying? why are they wearing MAKE UP?" But she likes them. (Not as an EXO-L)

LIKE BRUH and then when she saw D.O she was like,"why are they wearing m-He is nice" and then she left to the kitchen to make food (*☻-☻*)

D.O you have women all over you ರ_ರ

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