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NOTE ! : I suggest listening to the song before reading, because it is apart of the chapter.

"Okay kids lunch time!" said Mrs. Simmons with a perky smile to her 1st grade class at Westchester elementary school. All children excited go to their cubbies to retrieve there nice lunch boxes made by their parents. Each child going back to their desk with a unique lunch box. Opening there meals some had crisp clean sandwiches while other have left overs from last night. Among the time of lunch one child looked outside and notices the cold cloudy day with wind blowing leaves around the play ground. Following by flickering lights all the children feel terror t the flickering lights.

    "Its alright children," says Mrs. Simmons, "Just the windy weather messing with the electricity."

  Suddenly echoing all over the school through the speaker sings the song, "Sippy cup by Melanie Martinez", making all the children shake in fear.

      With the flickering lights comes death walking slowly down the hallway cocking her head with a smile while the song plays. Turning down the corner death walks into Mrs. Simmons room grabbing an empty wooden chair. With laughter she winks t the kids while walking out. Playing with her mouth as if chewing bubble gum death holds on to the chair and walks down the hallway stopping at a pile of chairs in an intersection of the hallways. Throwing the chair on top of the pile she smiles. Grabbing the large gasoline jug she spills it allover the pile of chairs and walks around the entire school dripping the flammable liquid over everything. She throws the jug top of the pile of chairs once it's empty and listens to the lyrics of the song.

           "Kids are still depressed when you dress them up," she sings along getting out a match from her pocket. Opening her mouth she uses her hand to quickly swipe the match across the side of her teeth inside her mouth and pulls it out with a flame glowing. Flicking the match onto the pile she watches as the fire grows.

             Walking out she sees the mob of young children running outside listening to the blaring song. All the young minds listening to the song running in fear to stay alive while the fire blares. Walking outside she smiles looking around to find firemen running around to save the school. Police cars driving up with there sirens blaring. Getting out of their cars and pointing all there guns to death surrounding her.

              "Death, Why?" yells a police man, " Setting a school on fire and corrupting young minds?"

             With a smile she says, "They're already corrupted."

             "Your done death."

            "Took you long enough."

Call Me DeathМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя