Week 4: Poem about school days.

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Kings and Queens.

We sat by the boundary, my friends and I,

Staring at the concrete jungle beyond the white line.

We listened to ecstatic screams of the big kids in the 'Big Yard'.

Oh what a curious place! A palace where kids played free,

Not stuck behind some white line with a bunch of babies.

Stephen quickly shadowed the blinding sun

A huge grin on his bloated face,

"Guess what guys! Teacher said we can play on the field today!"

As quick as lightning we crushed the line, yelling like wild things

As we paraded into Big Yard, feeling like Kinds and Queens.

We stormed the castle and established our dynasty by a rustic oak tree.

"What are you doing here?" my big brother asked.

I merely flashed a gapped smile and returned to my castle.

Then the bell tolled, killing breaktime cold. And our palace

Disappeared into the summer air.

One spelling test later, we found ourselves

Again bound by that line, confined to an asphalt petting zoo.

We counted the days to a fresh September,

When we'd rule again, our reign, wasn't over.

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