Hawkeye: the last arrow ever to be in his heart:

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Clint looked over his bow to make sure nothing was wrong with it. "Then what the heck is it?"He asked himself. Before this he had been shooting like a beast.

Not missing the target but then his bow started to act up. It was weird...really weird. He looked over it again and saw it. "There you are you little pain to my ass."He said out loud.

He grabbed a screw driver and placed it onto the loose screw then he tighten it up. That was why it wasn't working!! He put the screwdriver down and lifted up the bow. It was black and just a beautiful thing to look at. Well for him. A pair of footsteps alerted him to look to the left.

It seemed time itself froze alittle for him.

A woman with blonde curls to her shoulder,approached him. Her slender body was covered with an outfit that matched that of Nat's .He couldn't help himself but look all over her. Lucky for him he had his sunglasses on. 

The woman stopped infront of him and placed a hand on her hip. "Hey Clint Nat won't be here today because of some business. So I'll be taking her place for some training today for you."She stated. Clint placed his bow down and grabbed for his glasses. He took them off and glanced up at her. She was prettier without the dark lenses.

"Alright i guess that's okay but what's your name?"He asked her. The woman brought a gold colored nailed finger to her left breast. A simple name tag hung from there.

On it read "Fiona"

Clint lingered abit to long before forcing himself to look away. She had to know she had an effect on him. Clint stood up and grabbed his bow. "You know you're kinda cute?" She said behind him. Clint could feel his cheeks heat up for some reason. Did she really say that now?

He turned to look at her with a raised brow. "Is that so Fiona?"He asked her. Fiona brushed back a curl that came out of hiding from her hair. She glanced into his eyes with a look.

A look that got Clint raging with emotions!! He grabbed his sunglasses and placed them on his face. "Yeah I just that you would want to know that."She said back to him with a gentle smile. 

Clint felt his chest tighten up in a weird way. He turned from her and walked towards the training area. Fiona followed after him with a skip to her step. Clint placed the bow down and turned back to her. 

He opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't. The sight before him left him speechless. Fiona was standing there glancing at the arrows before her. Her gold locks were tied back into a pony tail. Her fingers were around an arrow and she seemed to be lost in thought.

She looked like an angle from heaven. He blinked back into reality. He brought a hand up and coughed into his hand. "Um Fiona i need you over here."He said.  Fiona glanced towards him and nodded leaving the arrow on the floor.

She walked up to him and went into a fighting stance. Clint did so too. He aimed a punch to her which she gladly dodged by jumping out of the way.

Clint smiled abit inside because of how she looked so beautiful while doing that. He dodged a kick to the head from her and went to grab his arrows and bow. He placed an arrow on to the bow and aimed. Fiona stood still and watched as he fired the thing.

Clint's eyes widen as he saw that she wasn't moving away from the coming arrow. She instead waited for the last minute and then dodged it. She was good but not that good!

He saw a drop of blood ooze from her hand. "Hey Fiona why'd you catch it?!" He asked concerned. Fiona dropped the arrow to the floor and wrapped her hand around with her one. "I thought i could do it. I am sorry Clint."She said looking up at him.

He froze and felt his cheeks heat up again. He looked down at her hand and grabbed it softly. "Hey its fine just....You're not suppose to catch it but dodge."He said to her. "Yeah will i'll do it next time then."She promised. 

Wait next time!? Clint smiled at her. "Yeah will maybe next time we meet it'll be in a diner or maybe a coffee shop?"He asked her. Fiona smirked playfully. "Are you asking me to go on a date with you?"She asked. Clint lifted her up slowly and gave her a half smile. "Why yes i am so do you except?"He asked her.

Fiona tugged at her blonde curl while looking around she even brought a finger to her chin. Which to Clint made him want to kiss her. Then she glanced back to him. 

"Only if you can make that target over there." She said pointing at one of the dummies from across the room. Clint looked to it and then to her. "Well thats not going to be fair for you because that'll be easy."He said to her.

Fiona shrugged her shoulders and gave him a small peck on his cheek. "There now go on and do it then." She said to him.

Clint smiled to himself shaking his head before turning and lifting up his bow.

"I'll pick you up at 8 tonight."

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