First of All

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(Y/n) your name
(L/n) last name
(F/c) favorite colour
(E/c) eye colour
(H/c) hair colour
(H/l) hair lenght
(F/m) favorite music/song

(A/n) hi guys! Ok this is my first 'x reader' so go easy on me 'k? Alright you'll start off when you were about 6 years old. Ok?good? Good.

Your POV~
It was early in the morning when i heard someone banging on my door
"Hei brat! Get up i gotta punch your face!" Yell Sam, she is a bitch. I live in an orphanage and i never knewed my real parents so im all alone in this hell i call home.
"Sorry my name is (Y/n) not brat!" I yelled back, no one tells me what to do. I follow my own rules and ways no way shes gonna tell me what to do.
"Your gonna die if you dont come out here!" Yelled Stella.
"Why dont you come in?" I asked nicefully.
"Fine im breaking in!" As she said she started runing away from my room door, i quikly ran towards the door and getting ready to open it. I heared Stella running here so i opened the door and she ran in hitting the wall, with a *thump*. I laughed so loud tears run down my face because i cried so much. I stoped laughing and watched Sam slowly begining to stand up while criying real hard.
" gonna tell mommy" holding back her tears she complained.
"Trust me, the only one your gonna talk to is devil" i awnsered while teasing her.
"Your a devil!" She said running out my room while criying hard. I closed the door and locked it, some peapole call me anti-social dont know why, maybe because i dont like being around others it makes me fell like i want someone dead, just dead. Im still up wondering what i should do with the rest of the day even though its still morning, i looked at the calender on my wall and its 22-th Mei. I almost forgot its Stellas birthday, i hate her so i wish i could just die here and now.

Im forced to get up and then i goed to the kitchen to grab something to eat, i found an apple and started eating it. The other kids are playing out side, i prevere it inside. Then i took a bath and change my clothes i wear a black-white hoddie since its the only hoddie that i have and a pair of trousers, i went out grabing my book (The Chronicles of Narnia)(great kid huh? ;)

Im outside now and the others are playing, i dont enjoy playing so i just sat down under a tree and start reading. I stoped when i heard one of the caretakers informing something.
"Alright kids do you know whos birthday it is?" He asked, he woard a blue button up and jeans. I walked towards were the croud is building up, and yelled.

"The devils!?" I yelled meaning Sam.
"No, its Sam's birthday" he awnsered and all of the kids yelled horay for some reason.
"Exactly shes the devil" i awnsered back.

"C'mon (Y/n) cheer up a bit" he says.
"Ill be happy when im dead" i awnsered with a cold voice.
Everyone was petrefied for a minute i think

"Alright kids were gonna go to Freddys place! Wanna come with?" The other caretaker a woman showed up. Everyone yelled Yes i just stayed silent, then she pointed to a bus not far away. It was old and dirty, everyone get into the bus as quictly as they can. No one wants to sit with me because y'know.
We arived at Freddys not long after, the new pizzaria i was the last one to get out of the bus and last to ger in the place. I ran to the most darkest room that is parts and kids cove, i know i should'nt be here cause the animatronic is broken for a long time but my friend is here her(ill make mangle a girl in this story) name is Mangle shes a white-pink fox but shes mangled. Shes the only friend i have, shes always alone at daytime. I met here the times i came here before, i like her shes nice and i know she does'nt think so but i think shes pretty. I walked over to the mangled animatronic and poked here
shoulder, she turned around alarmed " (Y/n)!" she yelled while hugging me,
"Miss you to Mangle" i said.
"Your back again! Great news im gonna get fixed in a few more months!" She yelled in exitment.
"Thats great!" I yelled back. Then she turned to here human form.
"So is she still bulliying you?" She asked, must be about Sam.
"Actually im getting to her" i awnsered calmly.
"Ok as long as she does'nt hurt you im fine with that" Mangle awnsered with a sigh. We talked to each other alot that time, then.....

"Hei bitch!" I heard Sam yelling calling for me, then she rushed into kids cove. Mangle turned back into an animatronic, and i just stood up looking at Stella with the 'die' stare. She just ran towards me and started puncing me so hard i hit the wall, she kep puncing and kicking me. I started to cry.
"Thats for coming to my party!" She yelled.

Mangles POV

I was talking to my BFF when this girl just walked in, i turned animatronic. But then she started to hurt (Y/n), i didn't want to blow my cover but my best friend is in pain.
I had to stick to the rules when sudenly everything went black.

Your POV

I was kicked and punched everywhere i heard a crack from my chest witch i tought was my rib. Then i felted a sharper pain on my back

A knive!!!

Thats when a knive stabbed my back it hurt alot when it was pluged out and i was just so releaved but in pain. I felt the punching stop and someone poked me.
"Are you alright?" A young male voice said, i was covering me eyes and criying so i didnt know who it was. It wasnt Mangle or an employe because i can see a siloueth of black.
"C'mon you have to get up and back to your parents" he said.
"I dont have parents" i said.
"Brother? Sister? Aunt? Uncle? Friend?" He asked again.
I shok my head signalling 'no'.
"Then you're a visiter from the orphanage right?" He asked.
"Y..yes" suddenly Sam was triying to attack me again but was stopped by the misteryous persone. I felt my head going dizzy and i blacked out.

A/n. Hi there! Sorry if any of the story wasnt good, ill start Marrionettes part in the next chapter i hope, thx for reading this!

Cut My Strings (Marrionette × reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora