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I walked through campus staring intently at my phone. Only 5 minutes until tickets go on sale and I'm not gonna miss it. I looked up a few times to keep from falling. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 time!! I bought 2 tickets, one for me and one for my best friend Nevaeh, only to run into someone and drop my phone.
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!! Are you ok?" I ask the stranger
"Well I don't have any broken bones so I'd say I'm pretty good. What about you?" He questions
I pick up my phone to see that the front is shattered and I can't get it to turn on.
"I'm fine. Wish I could say the same thing about my phone. Good thing I bought those tickets when I did." I say
"Tickets? What for?" He asks
"I'm going to see my favorite band Twenty Øne Piløts!" I squeal with excitement
"Sweet! I'm a fan of them too. I'm going to their concert this weekend." He explains with a smile.
"Awesome! Well maybe I'll see you there!"
He's kinda cute to be honest. I mean, not Josh Dun or Tyler Joseph cute but he's definitely a runner up. I giggle at the thoughts in my head.
"Yeah. I'm Greyson by the way. What's your name?"
I snap out of the alternate universe I drifted into.
"Oh, I'm Kennedy. Nice to meet you Greyson!" I smile at him
"You too Kennedy. I gotta get going but I hope we run into each other again soon."
And with that, he walks past me. I head towards my car with a smile on my face. I'm not sure why but I really hope I see him at the concert this weekend. Who knows, I might even look for him. I get in my car and drive home excited to tell Nevaeh the good news.
"OH MY GOD PLEASE DON'T BE KIDDING! ARE YOU SERIOUS?? OMG OMG OMG! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GET TO SEE THEM LIVE!" My best friend screams at the top of her lungs while she jumps around the living room.
I don't know if you can tell but she's pretty excited about the concert.
I laugh at her reaction and calm her down.
"Ok keep your cool before you pass out!" I say.
She stop jumping and takes a deep breath.
"Ok. I'm cool. I'm cooooooooool."
I laugh shaking my head.
"No you're not but it's ok cause neither are Tyler or Josh" I tell her.
She gasps
"You take that back! My fiancé is beyond cool with his tattoos and his ski mask and his cute
little booty."
I crack up at her obsessing.
"Tyler is a cutie but add a patootie to that cutie and you've got Josh." I giggle.
"Psh" she swats her hand at me "Tyler's still my number one" she says with some sass
"Ok are you gonna stay the night? Because if you are, we need to get some sleep so we can go shopping for clothes tomorrow."
"Of course! I'm so excited!!" She squeals and hugs me.
"Alright I'm excited too but we have a lot to do until the concert and we only have a day." I say walking upstairs to my room.
"You're right! Let's get some rest before we see our husbands! Can't show up with bags under our eyes now can we?" She runs past me and I smile to myself.
I'm so glad she's my best friend.
I change into my pajamas and go to bed dreaming of ski masks and drum sticks.
A/N: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I know it was probably a bit boring but I promise that the story will progress within the next couple of chapters. I'm excited to keep writing cause I have plans thought out and I think you'll really enjoy it. Thanks for reading!!💕

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