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The sound of my alarm clock went off and I turned only to fall out of bed.
"Ow!" I say while I rub my head.
I see Nevaeh walk in with a towel in her hair.
"It's only 8 am. How long have you been awake?" I ask surprised.
"I've been up since about 6 and then I got up at 7 to take a shower and get ready to go." She says while she dries her hair off.
I get up turning my alarm clock off.
"Well then I'm gonna go get ready. There's food downstairs if you're hungry." I tell her as I walk into the bathroom.
"I'm always hungry! You know that!" She says brushing her hair.
I laugh and close the door. I took a quick shower and went to my closet to pick out an outfit. It's kind of funny that I'm looking for clothes that I'm gonna wear to look for more clothes. I know I know. Stupid thought, but things like that pop up in my head from time to time. I put on my outfit and went downstairs to find my shoes.
"Hey Kennedy? Is it alright if I eat the last of your lucky charms?" I hear Nevaeh call from the kitchen.
"Sure go ahead." I yell back
Funny thing is, they're my little brother, Elliot's. He doesn't need them. He gets hyper just from bubblegum.
I find my shoes and sit on the couch to tie them. As soon as I finish the doorbell rings. I'm not expecting anyone.
Opening the door I see Greyson.
"Greyson? What are you doing here?" I ask shocked. It's weird that he knows where I live and I don't even know his last name.
"Well I was thinking about you after we bumped into each other and I realized I didn't get your number." He says.
I scream inside. A cute boy wants my number. This is kinda big for me taken the fact that I'm not super popular so guys don't fall for me left and right.
"You wanted my number and you got my address?"
I pause.
"How exactly did you get my address?" I ask him slightly afraid to find out the answer.
"Oh I heard a couple of your friends mention you in one of my classes and I asked them where I could find you" he says.
"It wasn't really that difficult."
I laugh a little
"Well I guess you can have my number since you came all this way to get it."
He pulls out his phone and I insert my number handing it back to him.
"Thanks." He says smiling at me.
"No problem." I smile back.
"I better get going but I'll see you tomorrow maybe?"
"Yeah, maybe" I smile a little bigger
I close the door and turn around seeing Nevaeh. I jump.
"You scared the crap out of me!" I yell at her.
"Who in the world was that and why don't I know him?"
Shaking my head I walk past her into the kitchen.
"He's nobody special." I tell her
"I wasn't paying attention yesterday when I was buying our tickets and I ran into him on the way to my car."
I pick up an apple and eat it.
"He must really like you if he took the time to find your house and come down here just for your cell number." She smirks
"It's not like that ok. He's cute but knowing me I'll probably say something to screw up any chance we have."
I finish my apple and throw away the core.
"What did he mean by "I'll see you tomorrow"?"
She asks with her arms crossed
"Don't worry. It's not like I'm blowing off the biggest concert of my life to go be with some guy I just met. He said he's going to the concert too."
I look at her waiting for an answer
"Well we better get to the mall then. The clothes can't buy themselves."
I laugh.
Me and Nevaeh have pretty much ransacked every store we could find. Forever 21, Hot Topic, Rue 21, Old Navy, and so on. We may have an addiction but I've come to terms with it so it's not a big deal.
We stopped in the food court for some lunch before we head back to my place.
I finish the last of my Pizza.
"So what do you think you're gonna wear tomorrow?" Nevaeh asks me.
I think. I bought a lot of clothes so there are a lot of possibilities.
"I'm not sure. Maybe that black crop top that has a skull in the middle under that plaid red cover up with my black skinny jeans that have the ripped knees and then some plain black vans." I shrug.
"I'll probably decide when I put everything together."
She laughs
"That's a lot of black"
"Well I bought a lot of black. Black is sensible and fitting. You probably bought less color than I did so you can't talk."
She rolls her eyes and we get up, throw our plates away, and head back to my car.
I have tried on at least 20 outfits and I still can't decided.
Nevaeh decided on wearing her white Nikes with some dark blue shorts and a black crop top.
I have to admit she looks cute.
After another 20 minutes I go with my black skull crop top under my red plaid cover up with light blue skinny jeans and red vans.
The rest of the day consisted of me and Nevaeh eating our hearts out, watching Netflix, and constantly squealing about how awesome the concert is gonna be.
We went to bed but I don't think either of us got much sleep because of our excitement. Tomorrow is gonna be the biggest day of my life.
A/N: Hey guys so I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I can guarantee the next one will be more exciting because I mean they're gonna finally be at the concert so things will pick up. I hope you are as excited as I am!!
On another note, who's excited for the Emotional Roadshow tour?? I wanna go everywhere! Texas, Ohio, and DEFINITELY New York. So happy for them both!!
Anyways, keep reading because I have a lot planned for this story and I don't want you to miss any of it.

My DrummerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz