day 4

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There's a short, fleeting moment between waking up and feeling the effects of her hangover in which Camila Cabello is completely aware of the way Lauren Jauregui is asleep in her lap. In that moment time seems to stand still, and all Camila can think about is the way Lauren's hair is sprawled out like a fan over her legs, and how their hands are still somewhat laced together.

Then the headache hits her full force, and she nearly doubles over in blinding pain.

It's a struggle, not waking Lauren and jumping off the couch at the same time, but somehow she manages it and makes it to the bathroom just in time before her stomach turns and everything she ate in the last twenty-four hours to make its way out again.

She feels worse than the last time she was hungover, and after she's done puking she lets herself sink to the floor. Resting her cheek against the cool tiles, she wishes she could just disappear.

Nothing's worth feeling like this. Not really.

She's not sure how much time has passed or whether she's been awake this whole time when a knock on the door startles her.

"Camila? Is that you in there?"

Gathering all her willpower, she scrambles to her feet. "Yeah, who is it?"

"It's Normani. Are you okay?"

Camila stumbles towards the bathroom door and unlocks it. She leans her head against the doorpost. "Not really."

Normani's eyes glance over her from top to bottom, and back to her eyes. "You definitely looked better last night."

"My head feels like it's gonna explode," Camila says, pressing her palm against her forehead. "Is that normal?"

Normani gives her a sympathetic smile. She steps into the bathroom and closes the door again, leaving the lights off. Camila's never been more grateful for darkness.

She watches as Normani ruffles through some stuff in the cabinets. Two seconds later, a bottle of pills is handed to her.

"Take this, it'll help with the headache."

Camila does as she's told. "How are you not dying right now?"

"I didn't drink as much, and I also drink more often. My ass can handle this shit." Normani sits down at the edge of the bathtub, while Camila lets herself slide back on the ground again. She likes the coolness of the tiles. It helps her clear her head.

"I heard you wake up," Normani continues. "I'm surprised Lauren's still asleep."

Camila's head snaps up at the mention of Lauren's name. She instantly regrets it. With a groan, she grabs the back of her head and pulls up her legs.

Something moves in front of her, and a moment later Normani's by her side. "Let me get you some water."

She's gone before Camila can respond. When she gets back, it's with two bottles of water and a cold damp wash cloth.

While Camila chugs back a liter of water, Normani presses the wash cloth against her forehead. "Here you go. You'll feel better soon."

"I'm never drinking again," Camila groans between sips. "I don't know how Lauren does it every night." It slips out before she realizes it.

There's a silence as Normani's hand disappears from her forehead.

"Shit. I didn't mean it like that." Camila sits up. "Lauren can do whatever she wants. It's just—not that healthy, I guess."

Normani looks at her with sad eyes. "I know what you mean. It's okay." She takes a deep breath, standing up to lock the door.

Camila pushes herself off the floor and onto the edge of the bath tub. It's less comfortable, but so is the conversation they're about to have, and she wants Normani to know she's serious about this. That she's serious about Lauren.

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