Looks like the cats out of the bag...

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~~~Breakfast Time~~~

It was somewhat silent. Ricky was eating with us. Antonio watched us.

"Jim. Val. Can I ask a favor?" I asked.

"Sure what is it sweet heart" Val asked.

"Can I invite Uncle Cornilios here for July fourth" I asked. Jim rolled his eyes. 

"You always ask for such simple things. Of course you can" Jim stated.

"Kay thank you. Do you think I can use the phone to call him" I asked. He nodded. I smiled and continued to eat. I was just worried about him showing his ears and tail. I was helping Antonio cook when Val came practically running in.

"Accalia you have a letter" She stated. She put it on the counter. I washed my hands and dried them and opened the envelope. It was a pretty thick envelope to. There was a bunch of letters in it. At least eight.

Dear Accalia,

  I'm happy your enjoying your new home. We all miss you. Cornilios missed you to much. In his words. He misses his cute little happy kitten. Some of the kids wrote some letters to you so I put them in along with mine. We've been okay here. Two more adoptions since you been gone. Hope you have a wonderful life your your new parents. You deserve it. Love you.

                             Love Mary.

"You okay Accalia" Antonio asked patting my back. I realised I was tearing up. I wiped the tears away.

"Yeah. I need to go call Cornilios" I stated leaving the letters there. I went to my room pulling out Cornilioss card. I went into the foyer grabbing the phone and dialed the number. It rang twice.

"Hello Cornilios's clothes shop. How may I help you" He asked.

"Uncle Cornilios. Are you busy July 4th" I asked softly.

"Nope. Not at all" He chuckled. I could imagine his ears twitching and his tail twisting.

"Come visit here then. Please" I whined. He sighed.

"For you kitten. I would do anything" He stated.

"See ya in a week then" I stated. He chuckled after I told him how to get here and hung up. I put the phone up and skipped back to the kitchen. Antonio was still cooking.

"Cornilios will be coming" I stated. He smiled.

~~~July fourth~~~

The door bell rang. I wiped my hands with a towel and ran from the kitchen. I took a deep breath and opened the door. A man stood there. Dark black hair. Silver eyes. Pretty tall. I smiled brightly and bowed.

"Hello. How may I help you" I asked. He frowned.

"I'm looking for Antonio" He asked. This must be his brother..

"Yes sir please follow me" I stated. I stepped aside. I closed the door and walked toward the kitchen. He followed me.

"Antonio guess whose here" I sang He turned and dropped the knife he was holding. I giggled. His brother walked up to him and slightly smiled.

"I missed you so much Antonio" He stated. Antonio wrapped his arms around his brother tightly. The man chuckled.

"Gheez you gained weight. That's good" Antonio laughed.

"Whats all the ruckus" Jim called walking in.

"Antonio's brother is here" I chirped. Jim grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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